SGRF News 1985-86

Seth Gulabchand Research Foundation arranged a one day programme of Get.. together with Industry on 4th January 1986 in the College campus.

The objective of this Get-together was to acquaint the industry people with the research activities and to give demonst-ration of research projects/processes devel-oped by the Foundation. It was also an opportunity for industry people and research investigators/faculty members of the college to exchange their views and ideas and share the thoughts of each other on the mutual problems of better interaction and co-operation.

The programme was conducted in four different sessions. In the first session an appraisal of the Foundation activities was given by Dr. S. D. Joshi, Chairman of the SGRF. Shri Kakasaheb Marathe of Marathe Group of Industries, Miraj; and Shri N. G Joshi, Chief Engineer, H. C. C. Bombay, delivered their key-note lectures on the subject Requirements and Expectations of Industry from R & D. Both of them analysed the present situation of R & D in industry and Educational Institutes and pleaded for better understanding of problems by Engineers from Industry and Educational Institute and suggested various proposals for better co-operation and interaction.

In the Second session, the participa-nts visited various research projects under taken by SGRF. Keen interest was shown by the participants.

In the Third session, the delegates were grouped according to their interest and these groups had their discussions with SGRF Departmental Expert Committees. In this session, a wide range of discussion between Industry delegates and SGRF was held. Very important suggestions came forward in connection with the expectations of Industry from SGRF and some specific problems were offered by the Industry.

In the concluding session, the Deleg-ates thanked SGRF for holding such a programme of Get-together and offered valuable suggestions. Dr. S D. Joshi, Chairman, SGRF, thanked the participants and Industry for their willingness to co-operate with R & D work of SGRF,

Projects Completed :
• Turbidity Removal efficiency of High rate filters.
• Micro-processor for Temperature and PH control of a process.
• Improved Analog Clock.
• Development of Solar Energy Appli-ances.
• Investigation of Double Curvature Brick Shells for Low Cost Housing,
• Fabrication of Bamboo Spliting Machine.

At Present following Research Projects are under progress:
• Micro-processor Based Intelligent Weighing Machine.
• Development of new type of Heat Flux Meter.
• Micro - processor Controller Diesel Generating Set.
• Electro-magnetic Treatment of Boiler Feed Water.

Dr, S. G Joshi Project Officer S.G.R.F.