Seth Gulabchand Research Foundation 1983-84

S. G. Research Foundation, as a rese-arch and development activity of the Walchand College of Engg., Sangli, was establishment with a corpus fund of Rs . 6.75 lakhs donated generously by Walchand Group of Industries.

The object of the Research Foundation is to promote applied research for the development of indeginous products useful to industries and offer con-sul tancy services in this regard by establish-ing a good liasion between the College and the Industries.

The Administrative Council of the College has appointed an advisory Board under the chairmanship of Dr. S. D. Joshi, in order to guide the activities of the Foundation. A Local Advisory Committee consisting of the College staff members has been appointed to look after the day-to-day activities concerning with the Foundation.

The Foundation started its working by publishing a detailed Brochure indicating the activities of the Foundation and the same was circulated to several industries. Applications were invited from the College teachers for research projects to be sponso-rred by the Foundation. The Foundation has given financial assistance to the follo-wing research projects undertaken by the college teachers :—
1) Turbidity removal efficiency of high rate filter.
2) Microprocessors for Temperature and pH control of a process.
3) Improved analogue clock working model.
4) Development of Test rig for testing of thrust bearing under dynamic loads.
5) Positive Infinitely variable speed dr.
6) Development of solar energy app, ances.
7) Investigation of Double curvature brick shells for low cost housing.
8) Wind energy utilisation.
9) Test rig for air and fuel filters.
10) Fabrication of the Bamboo splitting machine.
The projects at S. No. 1 and 3 above are almost completed and the others are in progress. The findings from the projects will be citculated to the industries. Govt. bodies etc. with a view to invite sugges-tions and also to use these findings in their industry. Any suggestion regarding the project already in progress and any technical problem may be refferred to this Foundation so that the Foundation will help them in the matter.