Gymkhana News 1995-96
As usual the Gymkhana Activities for the year 1995-96 started immediately with the start of first term in June 1995.
Students of both Degree & Diploma branches participated in a large number of various sports activities with vigour & virility. We hosted this year zonal Table Tennis & Cricket tournaments for Degree students and Cricket & Hockey tournaments for Diploma students. This year we could purchased a new Table Tennis table for the students.
Our Degree students participated a most of the Gents & Ladies Sports events at zonal level and were able to command a respect from the competitors. Our Degree Cricket & Hockey teams, who unfortunately lost the final matches, were the Semi-Champions at Zonal level. Our Ladies Badminton team also won the Semi-Championship in zonal tournaments.
Our Degree Chess team won the zonal Championship & Mr. Phadke R.N., Mr. Rajanya H.R. & Mr. Mira jkar A.S. were selected to participate in Inter zonal Chess Tournaments. Mr. Phadke R.N. & Mr. Ra jadnya H.R. represented Shiva ji University for Chess Tournaments held at Aurangabad.
Our Diploma students also put up a brillient performance this year and were zonal Champions in Cricket & Hockey Tournaments. The Gymkhana also provided round the year facilities for Carrom, Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess, Volley Ball, Reading room and other soprts events, with the co-operation of all staff advisors and student's representations.
S.G. Kanitkar Chairman, Gymkhana