Library Report 1983-84

The Library at present keeps opening for 16 hours every day, i. e. from 8-00 a. m. to 12-00 p. m. in the night.
The Library at present holds a total collection of 29,945 books, ( Collection of 22,588 + 7,357 from seven Book Bank Schemes ) 7,800 bound volumes of various magazines accumulated over a period of nearly 37 years. Presently the Library subs-cribes to 100 periodicals, both Indian and foreign.

As many as six book bank schemes are in operation at the Library. Classwise book sets are issued to students on the basis of merit. These students can keep and use these sets for the entire Semester on payment of a small fee.
Under the book bank scheme sanction-ed by the Social Welfare Department of the Government of Maharashtra, classwise sets of books are issued free of cost to Schedul-ed Castes and Scheduled Tribes students.

At the time of Examinations of Degree and Diploma in both the Semesters the Study Library Section is kept open on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays also from 12.00 noon to 6.00 p. m. for all students for their study.

In addition to the reference and home issue section, the Library has big study section where 100 students can easily sit and study. The Library has reference section and home issue section.

The new construction for periodical section is being started, where at least 50 sets can be accumulated, for reefrring peri-odicals for teaching staff and all finalyear Degree and Diploma students. The Library has received one hundred and thirteen books from the British Council, under project No. IND/1031 as Gift to our College, as reference books, text books in all subjects, which are very useful for both staff as well as students also.

The Library has provided library faci-lity to outside readers and nearly 50 staff members working in the different factories and industries are interested to refer the books periodicals from the Reference Sect-ion of the Library. Two books at a time are allowed to take for the their study at home.

Shri S. B. Joshi Prof. R. R. Tilwalli Librarian Officer In/C Library