Applied Mech. Polytechnic News 1991-92

1. Department conducted ISTE Summer School in "Modern Methods in Cement Concrete Testing " during 24 June to 6 July 91. Shrl.S.M.Kulkarni was co-ordinator. Shrl.S.A.Angalekar, Shri. C. S. Kotibhaskar participated as well as shared the responsibilities.
2. During the leave period of Shrl.S.M.Kulkarni, Shri.S.A.Angalekar was appointed to look after the routine work of his office.
3. Shri. S. M. Kulkarni was awarded " Best Polytechnic Teacher Award for the year 1990-91 in Maharashtra" at Madras, in I.S.T.E. Ceremony in December 1991.
Prof. Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy Head of Deptt.