Applied Mech. News 2K6

Year of Establishment - 1948 ( UG), 1971(PG)
STUDENT : 12 Students of last batch awarded ME Civil - Structure

Prof J. P. Patankar
1 One day seminar on 'Globalization of Technical Education 2005' at WCE. Sangli on 8th July 2005
2. Two day workshop cn 'Design of Liquid Storage RCC Tanks' at 1E1 Pune Local Centre on 24 and 25 September 2005
3. One day seminar on 'SAP 2000 and ETAB 2000* at Hydrabad
4. Two day workshop at IE, Pune on 'Earthquake Engineering’
5. Ono day workshop on Student Evaluation System under autonomous status - 21 st Ocl. 2005 at WCE. Sangli

Prof. S. A. Anglekar
I One day workshop on Student Evaluation System under autonomous status 21st Oct 2005 at WCE. Sangli.

Dr. S. N. Tande
1.National Program for capacity Building of Engineers in Earthquake Risk Managemnet on 41h July to 16th July nos at I. I. T. Mumbal
2. Paper entitled 'Seismic analysis of shear skew slab with bridge type boundary conditions openings accepted for International Conterecno during 7th to 9th Dec 2005 at Vishakhapalanam
3. Paper entitled 'Finite Seta Analysis of skew reinforced concrete skew slab with twidgelype bound-ary conditions' accepted by Institute of Engineers India Journal
4. One day workshop on Student Evaluation System under autonomous status - 21st Oct 2005 at WCE. Sangli.

Prof. S. B. Kadam
1. Paper entitled 'Seismic anatysis of shear wall with openings- accepted for International Conletence during 7th to 9th Dec 2005 at Vishakhapatanam.
2, Ono day seminar on 'SAP 2000 and ETAB 2000' at Hyderabad
3. One day seminar on 'Globalization of Technical Education 2005' at WCE. Sangh.
4, Workshop on 'Development of Effective Teaching Skills' at WCE. Sangli
5. Workshop on "Effective Communication Skills' at WCE. Simple
6 One day workshop on Student Evaluation System under autonomous status.. 21st Oct. 2005 at WOE. Sang:i

Prof. C. B. Pol
I One day seminar on 'Globalization of Technical Education 2005* at WCE, Sangli
2.Workshop on *Devetopmen1 of Effective Teaching Skills' at WCE Sangli
3. Workshop on -Effective Communication Skills at WCE. Sangli
4 Two day workshop on littain of Liquid storage ACC Tanks* al IEI, Pune Local Centre.
5 Ono day workshop on Student Evaluation System under autonomous status - 21st Oct. 2005 at WCE. SangII

2. Testing Work generated Rs. 1.64,922.00 for the year 2005-2006 upto -
By Prof J. P Patenkar, Dr. S. N Tande Prof. S. A. Anglekar. S B. Kadam. C. B. Pol and Shn R. K Sutar Testing Services. provided - Mix Design. Calibration. Concrele and various material testing-

3. Consultation sorvicos generated RS. for the year 2005.2006
Consultation services provided -
1) Scrutiny & designs-and drawings for structures like-GSR; ESR, Sump Well. Pump Houser and various type of buildings By Prot J P Patankur and Dr S N. Tande
ii) Inspection / checking of quantity. of building and water tanks by Prof J. P Patankar
iii) Concrete Mix Design By Prot J. P Patankar and Steil R. K Sutar
iv) Inspection / checking ot quality of building and water tanks by Prof C B Pol
v) Inspection, checking and design of BSNL transmission tower by - By Prof. J. P> Patankar. Dr S. N Tande, Prof. S. A. Anglekar, S. B. Kadam, C. 8. Pol

4. Proposals submitted and grants received -.
J P. Patankar submitted a proposal for raising of funds as under Revised proposal submitted - To the Department of Science and Technology. Govt of India (DST) for fund for Improvement of S & T infrastructure (FIST) of Rs -65- lacs. : grant received NIL

5. Achievements
Prof. J. P. Patankar
1 Appointment as Professor from-Sept 2005
2 Appointed as Dean, Student's. Welfare
3 Coordinator, TEQIP - Civil Work
4 Co-ordinator - Globalizatian of Technical Education 2005' al WCE. Sang!’
5 Active Participation - DST proposal presentation.

Dr. S. N. Tande
1 Awarded Ph D. Degree - Sept. 2005
2 Appointment as Assistant Professor from 0th Sept 2005

Prof. J. P. Patankar HOD. Ape!. Mach Dealt