Applied Mech Dept News 1976-77
A) Projects under investigation :-
Staff memerbrs of this department are actively engaged in the research work on following projects.
1) Elastic and in-elastic analysis of r. c. c. rectangular and diagonal grids.
2) Punching shear in restrained r.c. slabs.
3) Ultimate loads and deflectiors of r. c. slabs designed on the basis Hillerborg's strip method.
B) Publications of Staff Members
1 A. B. Kulkarni and Prakash Desayi " Maximum crack width in two-way reinforced concrete slabs " Proc. of Institution of Civil Engrs. ( London ) part 2, Vol. 61. June. 1976
2) A. B. Kulkarni and Prakash Desayi " Load deflection behaviour of fixed R/c. slabs"Structural Division of Ameri can Society of Civil Engineers Feb. 1977
3) A. B. Kulkarni and Prakash Desayi " Load deflection behaviour of simply supported r. c. slab," being reviewed for publication in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences.
4) A. B. Kulkarni and Prakash Desayi " Control of Cracking in two-way r. c, slabs " being reviewed for publication in Institution of Civil Engineers (India)
5) A. B. Kulkarni and Prakash Desayi " Load deflection behaviour of slab-beam systems " being reviewed for publication in International Journal of S,,lids and Structures.
6) K. T. Krishnaswamy & S. V. Gharpure " Analysis of coupled shear walls subjected to concentrated loads at flour levels. " Conference on Tall buildings, Kulalumpur Dec. 1974
7) K. T. Krishnaswamy, A. B. Kulkarni and S. V. Gharpure " Elastic Critical Loads of Stopped Columns " being reviewed for publication. 8) K. T. Krishnaswamy & S. V. Gharpure " Experimental investigation of coupled shear wall subjected to concentrated loads at floor levels. " Conference at B. A. R. G. Bombay -March 1974
I) 0. I. P. Programmes Prof. A. B. Kulkarni has submitted his thesis entitled to 'Strength & behaviour of r. c. two-way slabs " for the Ph. D, degree of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has rejoined the department from October 1976.
2) Following staff members attended winter / summer Schools.
Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy " Limit state design of concrete struct-ures " at Bangalore.
2) Shri S. M. Kulkarni "Teaching methods in Applied Mecha-nics " at Bhopal.
D) Consultancy works
Structural Design for the proposed extension of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation Building, Kolhapur.
2) Investigation of the failure of R. C. C. work at Tararani Market, Kolhapur.