Applied Mech Dept News 1971-72

1 ) The following research problems are under investigation by the professors of the Department : i ) Torsional Stiffness of R. C. Concrete.
ii) Strength of light weight concrete .
iii) Torsional strength of concrete sections with reference to T L, and I, sections.
iv ) Reinforced concrete under combi_ ned stresses.
v) Mathematical Model for concrete
vi) Mechanism of failure of concrete under combined stresses.
vii ) The connections in precast con-crete.
viii ) Effect of Confinement on the rotation capacity of reinforced concrete.

2 ) Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy, Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics, has been selected to partici-pate in the National Associateship Scheme offered by the University Grants Commission. In this scheme he will be visiting various Technical Institutions of higher learning and Research Labo-ratories in India. The entire expenditure will be borne by the University Grants Commission.

3 ) Shri J. G. Bodhe president of the Insti-tution of Civil Engineers, India, Visited the college and delivered a lecture on 'Failure of structures and their remedies' for final year and post — graduate students in Civil Engineering.

4 ) Prof. A. B. Kulkarni and S. V. Gharpure are working on the Torsional Strength of Concrete sections [T, L, & I sections.] They have received U. G. C. Research grant for this project and the work is in full progress under the guidance of Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy.

5 ) Professor P. B. Doifode has completed some studies on the strength of light weight concrete. This study was suppo-rted by the Shivaji University Research Grant. The completed report on the project has been sent to University. Prof. Doifode is continuing this problem under the guidance of Dr. Krishnaswamy.

6) Prof. M. R. Shiyekar completed M. E. Degree in Structural Engg. in first class. His topic of dissertation was Strength of reinforced concrete under combined bending & torsion' and worked under the guidance of Dr. Krishnaswamy.

Research Publications :
1) A model to simulate the response of concrete to tensile loading by K. T. Krishnaswamy, International Symposium on Structure, Mechanics and Engineering Design, Univereity of Southampton.
2 ) Mechanism of Failure and Micro —Cracking of plain concrete under unia—xial tensile loading, by K. T. Krishnaswamy, Indian Concrete Journal, May, 1971.
3 ) Connections in precast concrete cons-truction,column to column connections' by K. T. Krishnaswamy and A. A. Khandekar, sent for publication.
4 ) Connections in precast concrete cons-truction — Beam connection' by K. T. Krishnaswamy and A. A. Khandekar, sent for publication.
5 ) Strength and stiffness of R. C. C. rectangular beam in combined bending and torsion using deformed steel ' by K. T. Krishnaswamy and M. R. Shiyekar.
6 ) Ultimate load analysis of R. C. C. Sections curved in elevation subjected to pure bending, by K. T. Krishnaswamy, S. V. Gharpure and A. B. Kulkarni ' to be published as Technical Note in the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
7 )‘ Automatic design of R. C. C. grid floors ' by K. T. Krishnaswamy, A. B. Kulkarni and S. V. Gharpure, sent for publication.
8 ) Nomographic solution of reinforced concrete beams curved in elevation subjected to pure bending ' by K. T. Krishnaswamy, A. B. Kulkarni and S. V. Gharpure, Institution of Civil Engineers London, June 1971.
9 ) Internal Strains in Concrete Advance studies by K. T. Krishnaswamy. sent for publication.
10 ) Discussion on the paper, strength of Concrete in multi-axil stress Condtions' by K. T. Krishnaswamy. Journal of American Concrete Institute, May,1971.
11) Discussion on the paper Compressive strength of plain concrete under multi-axial loading conditions', by K. T. Krishnaswamy and Journal of the American Concrete Institute,April 1971
12) Discussion on the paper moment —resistant connections in precast con-crete' by K. T. Krishnaswamy and A. A. Khandekar, Journal of American Society, of Civil Engineers, Structural division, Feb. 1971.
13 ) Discussion on the parper Flexural members with Confined concrete' by Krishanswamy, A. B. Kulkarni and S. V. Gharpure. Journal of American Society of Civil Engineering. Structural Divisison, 1971.
14 ) Analysis of beams with Intermediate Hinges' Vishvkarma Oct. 1971 by Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy and A. B. Kulkarni.