App. Mech. Dept. News 1983-84

I Summer School / Winter School I Short Courses etc.
i) ISTE sanctioned a Summer School in " Analysis And Design of Elevated Reservoir" for

polytechnic staff This su-mmer School will be conducted from 16th July to 28th July 1984 under

the co-ordi-natorship of Dr. A B. Kulkarni and Prof S. V. Gharpure.
ii) Dr. M. R. Shiyekar delivered lectu-res for " Computer Programming" in coursesa rranged by

Electronics Department
II Publication / Conferences etc :
i) A paper written by Dr. M. R. Shiyekar " Stresses in Ring Stiffened Tubu-lar Y joints under

axial and inplane moment loading" was accepted in Inter-national Journal of Energy Resources

Technology (ASME) U S. A.

III Lectures Delivered :
1) Dr. M. R Shiyekar delivered lectu-res on " System Analysis" at the Institute of Management

Development & Research (1MDR) Centre Sangli.
2) Dr. M. R. Shiyekar was invited to deliver a guest lecture on " Off-shore Struc-tures" for

students of Fabrication Techno-logy of Padmashri Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Institute of

Technology, Pravaranagar on 3-1-84.
3) Prof. P. B. Doifode and Dr M. R. Shiyekar worked as visiting faculty at Shri Tatyasaheb Kore

Institute of Engineering & Technology, Warnanagar during 2nd Term.
IV Educational Tours :
1) Prof P. B. Doifode accompanied with third year civil Engineering students for their educational trip to South India in December 1983.
V M. E. Dissertations
a) Following students completed their M. E. dissertations this year and they have been awarded M. E ( Civil ) structures degree. 1) Computer Analysis of Multibay, Multyo storey rigid frames by Shri S. B. Chavan Guide i Dr. M. R. Shiyekar
2) Analysis of Plate Bending by Shri S. B. Joshi Guide : Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy & Dr. M. R. Shiyekar
3) Nodal displacements of rigid jointed space frame neglecting charge in length of members by Shri V. P. Date Guide : Dr. B. P. Parikh
4) A numerical method to determine critical loads. by Shri G. P. Vayachal Guide : Dr. B. P. Parikh
(b) Following ME projects are in progress : 1) Computer aided ananlysis and design of Intze Water Tank by Shri P M. Kide Guide : Dr. M. R. Shiyekar
2) Finite element analysis of plate bending by triangular elements. by Shri S. C. Parikh Guide : Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy & Dr. M. R. Shiyekar

3) Photoelastic stress analysis of perfora-ted webs. by Shri S. S. Ruikar Guide : Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy
4) Photoelastic stress analysis of tunnel linings under rock pressures. by Shri S. S. Sadhwani Guide Dr. M. R. Shiyekar
5) Temperature stresses in R. C. C. water tanks. by Shri Metkari Guide E Dr. A. B. Kulkarni
6) Limit analysis of RCC water tanks. by Shri V. M; Kulkarni Guide : Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy
7) Transfer Matrix method for continuous folded plate. by Shri A. B. Patil Guide : Dr. A. B. Kulkarni
8) Analysis and Design of Grid Water Tanks. by Shri S. D. Kulkarni Guide : Prof S. V. Gharpure
VI Construction Activities :
1) Construction of ladies hostels is fastly approaching towards its comr letion.
2) Extension of Library building is tit completion.
3) Rennovation of New Hostel blocks under completion. VII Consultancy : 1) A failure of RCC reservoir at Khande. rajuri was instpected and report was
submitted indicating the probable cau-ses for failure.
2) Strengthening measures for existing water tank has been suggested.
3) The use of glyoxal as an admixture for concrete for improving its properties has been completed and report is submitted to Rajastan Glyoxal Pvt. Ltd.
VIII Selections / Promotions :
1) Dr. K. T. Krishnaswamy Professor and Head of Applied Mech. Dept Is promo-ted as Vice Principal of Degree Wing with effect from 19-9-83.
2) Shri J. P. Patankar - working as a lecturer in polytechnic wing was selec-ted as lecturer in degree wing with effect from 24-1-84.
3) Shri A. G. Savagaonkar - Joined App.. lied Mech. Dept Polytechnic Wing as a lecturer from 21-2-1984.

— Prof. Dr. Krishnaswamy