Editorial Part I (71-72)
It is a great pleasure to present to you this 20th issue of the College Magazine. This year has been a very important year for the nation as a whole and the College itself. The world saw India emerging as a strong nation capable to fight for a just and right cause. The birth of a new nation - Bangla Desh - was also a significant event of the year. An article written by Prof. S. V. Ranade appears in this issue describing the various events during the 14-day war with Pakistan.
The various activities organised by the students and the staff of this College to boost up national defence efforts have been detailed separately. We pay our rich tributes to the men and officers of our armed forces for their bravery and discipline. Our sympathies are with the families of those personnel of the armed forces who laid their lives or were disabled during the war.
At the moment, I do not find suitable words to describe the qualities of our Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi. As a token of our respect for her, a full-page photograph of the 15th Bharat-Ratna appears in this issue.
The sad demise of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, was a shocking news for all. The nation will always remember this great scientific technocrat for the services rendered by him in the fields of nuclear engineering and space technology.
This year will also be remembered for the magnificient performance of our Cricketers under the inspiring leadership of Shri Ajit Wadekar.
• As I mentioned in the beginning, this year has been a very important year for the College also. The "Intensification of the M. E. Courses" at this College was inagurated by Dr.Appasaheb Pawar, Vice-Chancellor of Shivaji University, Kolhapur, on 2nd October, 1971.
The welcome-speech delivered by Principal G. C. Kanitkar on this occasion has been included in this issue. It gives an idea of the organisation of post-graduate teaching and research activities at this College during the recent years.
This year we will not be publishing a separate issue of Technical Journal. Therefore, articles on technical subjects have been included in this issue in a separate " Technical Section". This step has been taken to minimize the expenditure in view of the present national emergency. On account of this, we have not included any cartoons and illustrations for the literary articles. The number of photographs has also been reduced.