Editorial - Student Associations

1 ) Winning the University Championship in Basket-ball for the sceond successive year.
2 ) Shri M. C. Billimoria has won the First place at the University level in English Elocution Competitions,
3 ) At the Zonal level in Team Events, our College secured championship in Table Tennis, Volly-ball, Malkham, Shooting and Chess, and Runners-up positions in the Kho-Kho, Badminton and Foot-ball.
4 ) In individual items, first two places at the Zonal level, in English Elocution Competitions were won by our students. Sarvashri Dhanavade, Saundalgikar and B. L. Seth secured first prizes in wrestling, Malkhamb and in shot-put and Discuss throw.
5 ) Shri R. M. Engineer secured the first prize of Rs. 200 /- in English Elocu-tion Competitions at the District level conducted by the Urban Development, Public Health and Housing Department of the Government of Maharashtra.
6 ) Shri Vivek V. Kulkarni secured the First Prize in the Mahatma Gandhi Inter-Collegeate Debating Competition conducted by the Maharashtra Rajya Vidyarthi Vichar Vinimaya Mandal. Shri Kulkarni also secured the First Prize in the Bhavgeet Competitions con-ducted by the Students' Council, Kolhapur.
7 ) The One - Act - play - Dag staged by Shri Deshpande and Shri Javale of our College in the One - Act Play Competitions conducted by the Amate-ur's Dramatic Association of Sangli, was judged as the best entry. We also bagged the prizes for best acting and best direction.

National Defence Efforts : In the wake of the recent Indo-Pakistan conflict the students and staff of this College organised the following activities to boost up our national defense efforts.

1 ) It was decided to conduct the annual social function in a very simple manner. The students decided to forgo their priviledge of spending some three days in gaiety and fun, and have invested the savings in Small Savings Scheme. They have also contributed Rs. 10/-each to the Small Savings and have thus invested a sum of about Rs. 8,500 /-. Thus, the total contribution by the students comes to Rs. 10,000/-.

2 ) With the lead taken by the enthusiastic group of students of our College, three one-act plays were staged on the 31 st of December at Sangli. The collection from this programme, amounting to Rs. 2,100/- has been donated by the students to the Welfare Fund for Jawans. Shri A. G. Deshpande of B. E. ( M ) Class and his friends de-serve a pat on their back for their independent efforts. Of the three one-act plays staged, one was by the members of the staff of this College and another was by students of the Willingdon College, Sangli.

3 ) The College has surrendered an import licence worth Rs. 12,000/- to the Gove-rnment to save foreign exchange. More-over, a sum of Rs. 50,000/- has been invested in Small Savings Scheme.

4 ) The staff on their part, both teaching and non-teaching, have contributed 25 percent of their total monthly emolum-ents to Small Savings. The amount so collected stands at Rs. 20,000/- The staff members have also decided to subscribe monthly to the Small Saving Schemes by saving as much as they can.

5 ) The students and the staff members have voluntarily enrolled themselves for blood donation programme. Their blood groups have already been classified by the Civil Hospital, Sangli, and this information is kept on the records of the Civil Hospital, so that whenever they need blood they can approach us.

6 ) A number of students and staff-memb-ers had indicated their willingness to undergo training in Civil Defence and the College has been able to arrange training for these volunteers in collab-oration with the Home Guards Unit of Sangli, the NCC Units. and the Civil Hospital at Sangli. The training programme in Civil Defense has been inaugurated on the 1st of January and training of the volunteers in Fire Fight–ing, Civil Defense, Guard Duties, Air–Raid Protection etc. is going on.