Editorial - Results and Staff News (71-72)

The results of the various degree and diploma examinations held during the year 1971 have been tabulated on separate page. The results of the Degree examinations have been very gratifying. On the diploma side, however, the old ailment continues. There is a fall in employment opportunities for diploma holders because of a general state of depression. This has caused the brighter students to shy off from diploma courses and with the low standard in the general intell–ectual level of the students seeking admission to the diploma courses. the results of almost all polytechnics in the State have been adversely affected.

The State Government has been aware of this situation and the Committee appointed by the Ministry of Education to go into this question has made some very far reaching recommendations. The Government have already accepted the recommendations of the Committee and announced that the reorientation of the diploma courses as recommended by this Committee would be made effective from June, 1972. The revised diploma courses which would be more industry – oriented, would be of 4 – year duration.

The results of the post-graduate courses have also been very encouraging. Sarvashri M. R. Shiyekar, G. S. Tasgaonkar, D. P. Sakhadeo, R. T. Ranade & M. R. Deodhar, who had completed the written part of the M. E. Examinations have now fulfilled the requirements of dissertation and they have been declared to have successfully completed the course.

News About the Staff :
The following staff members left the College for better positions elsewhere :-
1) Shri V. K. Railkar ( Asstt. Lecturer in Telecommunication ) 2 ) Miss H. V. Ketkar ( Demonstrator in Physics ) 3 ) Shri M. Y. Joshi ( Asstt. Professor in Telecommunication )

1 ) Shri M. G. Bhat Professor in Mechanical Engineering
2 ) „ S. V. Gharpure Asstt. Professor in Applied Mechanics
3 ) „ S. G. Joshi Asstt. Professor in Mechanical Engineering
4 ) „ M. C. Dabir Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
5) „ V. M. Diwan Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
6 ) „ S. D. Phadnis Lecturer in English

New Appointments :
1 )Shri M. N. Rathod Asstt. Lecturer in Applied Mechanics 6-7-71
2 ) C. N. Bapat Lecturer in Applied Mechanics 8-7-71
3 ) G. G. Tengshe „ Lecturer in Telecommunication 29-7-71
4) A. R. Yardi „ Lecturer in Telecommunication 2-8-71
5 ) D. S. Gadgil Lecturer in Telecommunication 9-8-71
6) V. H. Kanhere Asstt. Professor in Metallurgy 1-9-71
7) S. V. Mahadane Professor in Physics 1-9-71
8) P. B. Joshi Professor in Mechanical Engineering 15-10-71
9) S. D. Madnaik Lecturer in Mech. Engg. 15-10-71
10) N. R. Phadnis Professor in Telecomn. 22-11-71
11 ) G. K. Pathak )) Professor in Mech. Engg. 1-12-71
12 ) A. L. Thacker Lecturer in Elec. Engg. 2-12-71

Acknowledgements : We thank all those students and staff members who contributed for this volume. Thanks are also due to our advertisers.
We thank M/s. Limaye Photographers for their efficient photography and M/s. Shrikrishna Mudranalaya for their. efficient printing work.
The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily subscribed to by the editorial board.