Editorial - College Affairs (71-72)

As already reported last year, the College has been recognised as a Post-Graduate Teaching and Researoh Centre by the Central Government. In implementation of recommendations of both the Central Government and the Shivaji University 
The intake capacity was expanded this year as given below :— 
4 students to the M. E. Course in Mechanical Engineering,
 6 —do— Electrical Engineering,
 6 —do— Structural Engineering. 
As the Post-Graduate activity has now been recognised by the Central Government, our students who maintain the quality of their academic performance, would be eligible to receive a stipend of Rs. 250/- per month, during the tenure of two years of their stu-dies at the College. While recommending expansion of the Post-Graduate activities at this College, the Shivaji University has adopted the system of Semester Examinat-ions for the Post-Graduate Courses also. 
In implementation of the quality improvement programme proposed by the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the College has deputed Prof. P. A. Kulkarni, Professor and Head of the Mechanical 
Engineering Department, for a doctoral programme to the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. Two more members of the staff are, at present, working for Ph. D. degree in their fields of specialization at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Both Shri N. K. Sane of the Mechanical Engineering Department and Shri M. R. Deodhar of the Electrical Engineering Department are working as Research Fellows at the I. I. T. and the College has afforded them all possible help in their endeavour. 
Prof. B. Subba Rao of the Public Health Engineering Department is working indepen-dently on his doctoral thesis. Shri M. R. Belsare of the Geology Department has secured registration for Ph. D. degree at Vikram University Ujjain. 
Prof. S. S. Santpur of the Civil Engineering Department has been awarded a scholarship by the Danish Government and he is studying at the Delft University. He would be in Denmark for one year and would complete there a course of specialised studies in Hydraulics.