Maths Dept News 1983-84

Shri B. B. Walwadkar submitted his thesis for Ph. D. in Mathematics on 24th
November 1983 to Shivaji University, Kolhapur. He worked under Dr. L. R adh-akrishna, Department of Mathematics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur Title of Thesis Contributions To Relativistic Rhelogy.'
Dr. K. V. Virkar and Dr. S. R. Shende attended the Summer School in "Numerical Methods and Computer Programming in Fortan case Si udies " at IISc. Banglore from 21st March 1983 to 2nd April 1983.
Dr. K. V. Virkar and Dr S. R. Shende attended the summer School i " Human Behaviour At Work " at Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli from 6th June t983. to 18th June 1983.
Shri B B. Walwadkar attended Summer School at Shivaji University,. Kolhapur on General Relativity & Gravitation held from 1st June 1983 to 28th June 1983
Shri B. B. Walwadkar's published two papers during the year 1983-84 in G. R. G. Journal ( i) Truesdell Transport in Gneral relativity, (ii) Truesdell Invariance in Relativistic Electromagnetic Fields,
Dr K. V. Virkar and Dr. S. R. Shende are invited to take the postgraduate classes in Mathematics in M. Sc, I M. A. in Willingdon Col lege, Sangli during the year 1983-84 since July 83.
Shri B. B. Walwadkar delivered lecture on Differential Equations and their appli-cations to Junior College, Rahimatpur ( Satai a) in January 1984.
-- Prof Aranake