Physics,Chemistry,Geology News 1985-86
Physics Department :
Dr. L. N. Sathe, head, physics de-partment has been renominated by the Principal and Chairman of the cosumets co-operative stores, as his nominee for one more year.
Practicals of degree and diploma classes are being coudueted as per schedule.
Faculty members of the depar-meat are engaged in extra caricular activities suchas managment of the Credit Society of the college, F. E , F. Y. admission work etc.
Dr. L. N. Sathe Head, Physics dept.
News From Chemistry Department
Prof. C. V Kunte Head of the Chemistry Department retired in October 1985 after long tenure of his service of about 30 years in our department. He is a popular and wel-known teacher of Material Science. He was also associated with social and cultural activities of the College
Two articles were published by Shri A. M. Karmarkar in Vidnyanyug (Marathi Magazine) in August and September 1985 respectively.
3 ) Shri A. M Karmarkar had undertaken the Chemical analysis of cement samples and transformer oil from Govt. and private agencies.
Shri A. M. Karmarkar Head of The Chemistry Deptt.
Geology Department
Head of the department Shri S. G, Ranade, delivered a series of lectures in Engineering Geology to Technical Assistant's courses conducted at Govt. Technical Institute at Rahimatpur, Tal. and Sangola.
During the current year geological investigation work was carried out at the following sites.
1) Drainage pipe line work at Ichalkaranji under the supervision of Sub Divisional Engineer Environmental Engg. Works Sub division II
2) Jack well at Nandre under the charge of Executive Engineer Miraj.
Shri S. G. Ranade Head of Deptt.