Electronics Polytechnic 2003-2004

The result of final year D.I.E. (2002-03) was 80.77 of which 81% students have passed in first class, miss Jain Chetana A. (845 /1050) standing first in the class. Miss Jain is also the recipient of the late Principal S. D. Phatak Memorial Sliver Medal prize for the best all round final year diploma student among the students of all branches, for the year 2002-03. The department congratulates her for this wonderful achievement. This is the second successive year that a student of D.I.E. has been chosen for the grant of this prestigious award.

The department has received a grant of Rs.6 lakhs under MODROBS scheme, from A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi, This grant will be utilized for the modernization of Industrial Elec-tronics Lab & for the erection of a new 'Industrial Drives Lab' in the Electronics department, Procurement of equipment under this grant is proposed to be completed by May / June 2004. During Nov. 2003 staff members of this department visited various industries in Pune for the pre-inspection of equipment.

Mr. M. S. Vader, Mr. P. W. Kulkarni and Mr. V. V. Sulakhe visited M/s. Siemens Ltd, Thane to study advancements in the fields of modern industrial drives & PLC based process control applications. The visit was sponsored by the IIPC cell of the college.

A short course on "TV & VCR Repairs" was conducted by Mr. A. A Agashe under Community Polytechnic activities. Mr. P. B. Patil attended a short term course on "DSP Processor" at N.M.A.M., Nitte.

Mr. V. V. Sulakhe has worked as co-ordinator of Kho-Kho and Kabbadi for IEDSSA Sports. Mr. Onkar Desai of T. Y. (I.E.) class was member of college football team, who was runner-up at the zonal level of IEDSSA Sports.

Mr. Rahul Patwardhan of S. Y. (I.E.) class was in college badminaton team, who was a winner at the zonal level and runners-up at the inter-zonal IEDSSA Sports.

Students of final year visited All India Radio station - Sangli, on 14th October 2004.