Electronics Dept News 1996-97
The electronics dept. has nearly completed the formal procedure and will be soon setting the Biomedical instrumentation laboratory and the Remote sensing and satellite image processing facility. In this connection the department will be procuring the following facilities in near future.
1. PENTIUM 100 MHz and 150 MHz machines particularly suitable for graphics processing.
2. PENTIUM machines with multimedia facility.
3. Biomedical instruments like colorimeter, mediscope spectrophotometer,x ray demo machine etc.
4. Biomedical miscroscope with facility to attach it to CCD camera and computer for processing of different samples.
5 Software for satellite image processing.
Papers published :
1. A paper entitled "ECG Date compressing" by Prof.(Smt.) R.S.Patil and Shri A.B.Wadholkar was selected and published in the International Biochemical conference INCONBME at CIT Coimbatore held in Dec. 1996.
2. A paper entitled "Comparison of 2-Ray, 4-Ray model for the estimation of path loss in an out door environment in the Oxygen absorption band A 1 '1 by Shri S.K. Bodhe was presented and published at National conference NCCh 96 at MACT Bhopal.
3. A paper entitled "Capacity of futuristic microscellular mobile communication system operating in oxygen absorption band Al" by Shri S.K. Bodhe was presented and published at National conference ITTFC 96 at KREC Surtkal.
4, A paper entitled "Homomorphic image processing" by Mrs.S.D.Apte was selected and published in the International Biomedical conference INCONBME at CIT Coimbatore held in Dec. 1996.
5. A paper entitled "ECG Signal analysis" by shri B. G. Patil is selected for NCBME 97 which will scheduled in May 1997 at Anna University Chennai.
Summer / Winter Schools :
1. ISTE approved 4 week Summer School on "Computer Applications in Data Management" was conducted by the dept, between 10th June 1996. The course co-ordinator was Prof.(Smt)R. S. Patil. 48 participants attended the course. The teaching faculty included Prof.(Smt)R. S. Pail, Prof. A. R. Yardi, Dr.P, J. Kulkarni, S. V. Kulkarni, B. V. Pawar, Mrs.S, S. Deshpande,N. V. Marathe & S. G. Tamhankar. The participants from the Dept. were B. G. Patil, Mrs,S, D. Apte, S. B. Dhaigude, Mrs. P. N. Savagave and V. B. Dharmadhikari.
2. ISTE approved 2 week Winter Scool on Microcontroller Families and Application" was conducted by Dept. between 9 Dec, 1996 to 21st Dec. 1996. The course co-ordinator was prof,(Smt)R, S. Patil. 37 participants which include both from teaching faculty and industries attended the course. The teaching faculty was Prof.(Smt)R. S. Patil, S. N. Kore, V. B. Dharmadhikari and N. V. Marathe. The participants from the departments were S. V. Kulkarni, Mrs.S. D. Dhaigude, Mrs,P, N. Savagave & S. G. Tamhankar.
ISTE / AICTE one week course on "PADS" during March 97 was attended by Prof.(Smt)R. S. Patil, B. V. Pawar, S. B. Dhaigude, N. V. Marathe & P. N. Savagave, Prof.A. R. Yardi attended 2 days workshop on "Reprogramming of Computer Education" at CDAC Pune.
An international 2 days symposium on "New horizons in Communications" at I.I.Sc. Bangalore was ,attended by Prof, (Smt)R. S. Patil and N. V. Marathe in January 1997,
Shri N. V. Marathe attended a 2 week QIP course on "Embedded Controller and Applications" at I.I.Sc. Bangalore in Oct. 1996.
Testing and Consultancy Work :
Facility of PROM programming and LASER printing were extended to nearby Electronics industries and professionals.
6) M.E. Dissertations :
1, Miss. R.N.Gore Subband Coding using DCT Software for redudant medium in DDCs Prof (Smt)R. S. Patil.
2. P. Shrinivas Shape recognition using feature points and distance transformation. Prof (Smt)R. S. Patil.
3. B. Sudhakar Image data compressing using sketch based coding Prof (Smt)R. S. Patil.
4 S. M. Sangle Simulation of rule based fuzzy logic controller. Prof (Smt)R. S. Patil.
5 P. W. Kulkarni Remote control robot arm and its graphical visualisation. Prof (Smt)R. S. Patil.
6 G. K. Kharate On line analysis and control of industrial process.Prof (Smt)R. S. Patil.
7 S. R. Gengade LPC based speaker independent speech recognition system. Prof. A. R. Yardi.
8 G. G. Overikal Prof. A. R. Yardi.
9. P. J. Deshpande Processing of short term spectral features and their performance on speech recognisation. Prof, A. R. Yardi.
10. S. P. Mudholkar Speech recognition by neural networks. Prof, A. R. Yardi.
11. S. D. Bomane Non linear and adaptive noise removal in Digital Image Proce-ssing,
12. Mrs. R. A. Deshpande Neural Network for Character Recognition. Dr. P. J. Kulkarni.
13, M. D. Kokate A simulation model for Mobile Communicatoin System operating in 800-900 MHz band. Dr. P. J. Kulkarni.
14, M. Vijayanirmala Development of serial MSK generator / Reciever with single error detection and correction capability using (7,4) systematic cyclic code. Shri. S. K. Bodhe.
15. A. D. Bhoi Performance Evaluation of DS-CDMA personal Communica-tion System-A Computer Aided Approach. Shri. S. K. Bodhe.
Promotions and Appointments :
1. Dr. P. J. Kulkarni is promoted as professor in Computer Engg. & Science Dept. from February 1997. He has taken the charge as Head of Computer Engg. & Science Dept.
2 Miss. R. N. Gore, Mrs. S. K. Apte, T. Srinivas Rao were appointed as Lecturer for first semester of 1996-97.
3 S. G. Kulthe, S. S. Vanarase & Mrs. A. A. Agashe are appointed as Lecturer for second semister of 1996-97.
Lectures Delivered :
1. Prof. (Smt.) R. S. Patil delivered a lecture session on INTERNET for the conference MAN-CON 97 arranged by Bharti Vidyapeeth in February 1997.
Other Activities : 2. Prof, Smt. R. S. Patil and Prof, A. R. Yardi worked as an expert member of AICTE committee for evaluation of engineering colleges.
Polytechnic Wing : Under the world bank assistance scheme, the polytechnic wing received 31 nos. of MODI OLOVETTI 40386 computers for the COMPUTER CENTRE of these 7 machines were received by the Electronics Department for benifit of D.I.E. students.
In near future mono and colour printers will be added to this facility. Shri M. S. Vader, Shri P. W. Kulkarni and shri V. V. Sulakhe attemded workshops at Mumbai and Pune in connecting with subject level monitoring of Electronics descipline, for the implementation of S.B.Syllabus.
An industrial tour was arranged in Jan. 1997 to visit NTPS, Nasik, Vikra, sattellite Earth Station, Arvee & various electronics industries such as Thermax electronics division, Telco electrical division, Aplab, DMS ect in and around Pune. 35 students alongwith staff members Mr. A. A. Agashe & Mr. V. V Sapkal attended the tour.
Mr. M. S. Vader (H.O.D.) (P.W.) worked as incharge Vice Principal (Polytechnic Wing) from 31st August 1995 to 18th JAnuary 1997.
Mr.P. W. Kulkarni is awarded the degree of M.E. (Electronics) with Distinction. A four week summer school in -Computer Application in Data management" was arranged by the degree wing, Electronics Dept., of this college & Mr. M, s. Vader, Mr. V. V. Sulakhe, Mr, P. B. Patil attended this course.
A two week winter school on -Microcontroller Families & applications was arranged by Degree wing. Mr. P. B. Patil & Mr. V. V. Sulakhe attended the same.
Miss. K. R. Patil & Mrs. A. A. Agashe joined the department as Lecturer on Adhoc basis. Mrs. A. A. Agashe joined the degree wing from Jan. 97.
Prof. (Smt.) R. S. Patil Head of Department