Electronics Dept News 1995-96

The Electronics Deptt. recently received two grants from AICTE for set up of new laboratories. The grant of Rs. 5.3 lacs is received for Biomedical Instrumentation laboratory. The Dept. Proposes to purchase various set ups and instruments so that the students can undertake projects-at UG and PG level in Biomedical field.

A second grant of Rs. 3 lacs has been received for remote Sensing and Satellite Image Processing. The deptt. Soon will be equipped with hardware and software facilities in this area so extent. This will help PG students to work in this advanced field. Thus the Deptt. is always trying to extend facilities in emerging and advanced fields.

The Dept. has shifted its Computer facility to a well organised and planned new enclosure. The computer room is equipped with several 486, 386, machines and network nodes. LASER and colour ink jet printers are available alongwith dot matrix printers. Single processing kits including latest TMS 32050 are also available. Real time work in signal processing is possible due to advaced software.

For Image processing high resolution CCD camera and necesary hardware, softwares facilities are made available in Computer room.

Papers Published / Summer / Winter Schools Attended :

1. For the Sixth International Symposium on IC Technology Systems and Aplications held in September 1995 at Nanyang Technology University Singapore, following papers were selected and published.
a) "ISDN transmission of vector quantised speech and image data" by Mrs. S.D. Apte and Prof. (Smt.) R.S. Patil. b) "Impulse testing of 1-IV transformers using transfer function analysis method." by Prof. (Smt.) R.S. Patil, Shri R.S. Garge & Shri. P.P. Roy.

2. A paper entitled "Microprocessor based centrifugal machine controller for sugar industry." By Prof. (Smt.) R.S. Patil & Shri. S.S. Patil was accepted at National level Symposium on "Recent Advances in Electronics" organised by Guru Nanak Dev University at Amritsar held in March 96.

Shri M.S. Vader, Shri B.V. Pawar, Mrs. S.D. Apte, Shri N.V. Marathe and Shri P.B. Patil attended the winter school on "Brushless D.C. and other Advanced Electrical drives" in february / March 96 at W.C.E. Sangli.

Testing & Consultancy Work :
Facilities for PROME programming and LASER Printer were extended to nearby Electronic Industries and Professionals.

M.E. Dissertations :
Sr. Name of the Student No. Topic Guide
1. Shri Haldankar IPX Router Prof. (Smt.) R.S. Patil.
2. Mrs. S.S. Deshpande Implementation of ADPCM transcode using TMS 32010 Prof. (Smt.) R.S. Patil.

3. Shri. A.B. Wadhokar ECG Date Compression Prof. (Smt.) R.S. Patil.
4. Shri S.R. Gengaje Online statistics Prof A.R. Yardi
5. Shri P.J. Deshpande Short term spectral features and their performance on speech recognition. Prof A.R. Yardi
6. Shri G.G. Overikar LPC based speaker independent speech recognition system. Prof A.R. Yardi
7. Shri D.S. Kodavade Troubleshooting of microproce-ssor system using Expert System. Prof. Dr. P.J. Kulkarni.
8. Shri L.T. Kapase Shape analysis using contour oriented approach. Prof. Dr. P.J. Kulkarni.
9. Miss N.N. Bapat Image data compression JPEG coding Prof. Dr. P.J. Kulkarni.
10. Shri D.S. Bormane A study of non - linear / adaptive filtering for noise removal in images. Prof. Dr. P.J. Kulkarni.

11 Shri D.M. Garge High precision self balancing bridge for capacitance and loss factor measurement using DSP techniques. Shri S.K. Bodhe
1. Dr. P.J. Kulkarni is promoted as Professor in Electronics in December 1995.
2. Shri A.B. Chaudhari, Mrs. S.K. Apte and Shri S.J. Patil were appointed as lecturer for the first semester of 1995-96
3. Miss R.N. Gore and shri P.K. lrkar are appointed as lecturer in Electronics for second semester of 1995-96.

Lectures Delivered :
Sr. Name of Staff No. Topic Venue
1. Shri P.S. Revankar Brushless DC and and other Advanced Drives WCE Snagli in Feb. 1996.
2. Shri P.S. Revankar System Programming Bharati Vidyapeeth.
3. Shri N.V. Marathe Computer Architecture Bharati Vidyapeeth.

Under the world Bank scheme Shri A.A. Agashe undertook an industrial training at telco, Pune in their Electronics R D Section.

Industrial Tour :
An Industrial tour of Final year D.I.E. students was arranged in the last week of Dec. 1995.
The students. visited Vikram Satellite Earth Station at Arvee GMRT at Narayannagar, avariety of Electronics industries in and around Pune and NTPS Nasik. Shri P.W. Kulkarni and Shri V.V. Sulakhe accompanied the students.
Prof. Smt. R. S. Patil Head of Dept.