Electronics Dept News 1991-92
Under D.CA. grants from Govt. of India following new laboratories were set up and are well equiped.
Advance Microprocessor Lab. ii. P.C.B. Lab.
Four P.C.s and Two X.T.s with new softwares were purchased to up grade the existing facilities of computer center.
Papers Published/Conferences Attended :
1. 'A Novel Approach to Character Recognition' by Shri. Avinash Magdum, Shrl. P. J. Kulkarnl and Prof. N. R. Phadnis, presented by Shri. Avinash Magdum in International symposium on I.C. design, manufacturing and applications held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in Sept'9 1.
2. 'Normalized Hierarchical Vector Quantizer' by Shri. P. J. Kulkarnl, Prof. N. R. Phadnis and Shri. V. R. Udpikar, presented by Shrl, P. J. Kulkarnl in International Symposium on I.C. design, manufacturing and applications held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in Sept9 'I.
3. 'A new method for finger print verification' by Mrs. P. P. Kulkarni, Prof. N. R. Phadnis presented by Mrs. P. P. Ku!kern( in International symposium on I.C. design, manufacturing and applications held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in Sept. 1991.
Achievement of Persons :
1. Mr. G Chinchwadkar completed his M.Tech under Quality Improvement Programme.
2. Shri. P. W. Kulkarni, Lecturer in Electronics (P.W.) joined the M.E. (Electronics) course as a part time student.
Seminar/Summer/Winter School/Short term Course Attended :
1. Shri. S. K. Bodhe attended short term course in Telernatics (computer network) conducted by 1.1.T. Kanpur from 6th to 19th Jan. 92.
2. Shri. B. V. Pawar attended a short term course on 'Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Technique' conducted by 1.1.T. Bombay in June-July 91.
M.E. Dissertation Guided :
Sr.No. Name of Student Topic Guide
1. Mrs. S. D. Apte Seperated Data pistribution system Prof. Mrs. R. S. Patll
2. Mr. D. B. Kulkarni Programmable logic controller Prof. Mrs. R. S. Patil
3. Mr. S. N. Kore Distributed P.L.C. Prof. A. R. Yardi
4. Mr. P. P. Halkarnlkar P.C. based area measuring machine. Prof. A. R. Yard’
5. Mr. B. G. Patil Computerised ECG Prof. A. R. Verdi
6. Mr. S. V. Kulkarni Computer Aided Analysis and simulation of Digital Control System. Prof. N. R. Phadnis
7. Mr. A. C. Bhagall Computer Communication by Data Prof. N. R. Phadnls Encryption and Dicryption system.
8. Mr. Y. B. Mane Distributed Digital Control for a generli- zed process industry Prof. N. R. Phadnis.
1.Shri. S. N. Kore, Mrs. S. Subbaraman and Sim). S. V. Kulkarni were promoted as Asst. Prof. in Electronics in Jan. 1992.
2.Mr. V. Y. Awale and Mr. S. B. Dhalgude joined as Lecturers in Electronics in Sept.91.
3. Shrl. S. S. Shendge, lecturer in Electronics (P.W.) left the institute and joined M.S.E.B. Bombay. We wish him every success in his future career.
4. Shri. P. B. Patil and Miss. M. A. Puranik joined as lecturers.
New Equipments Purchased :
For the ne■h..y, set up labs sophisticated equipments were purchased like Camera, UV exposure unit, computer facility has been strengthened by addition of new systems.
Lectures Delivered Prof. Mrs. R. S. Patll delivered a talk on A.I.R. Sangli.
Other Activities :
1. President of Applied Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Thane and Former Adviser to Prime Minister Mr. P. S. Deodhar visited the Dept. and different laboratories on 3rd March 92.
2. One year part time diploma course in 'Microprocessor Peripherals and P.C. interfacing' was instituted in Feb. 92.
3. As usual the deptt. successfully conducted part time certificate course and diploma course in computer science.
4. Class project course have also been successfully arranged under the able guidance of Prof. N. R. Phadnis.
5. A short tour to AIR, Akashwani Sangli and L.P.TV station Sangli was arranged for the D.I.E. students. Shri. P. B. Path and Miss. M. A. Puranik accompanied the students.
Prof. A. R. Yardi Head of Electronics & Computer Engg. Deptt.