Electronics Dept News 1989-90
Under DCA grants from Govt. of India following new laboratories have been set up and are well equipped. 1. Communication Lab. 2. Instrumentation and control lab. 3. All laboratories modernisation.
1. Mr. P.J. Kulkarni presented a paper "On computing code - word utiliza-tion for component coded digital vedeo ", co authored by Prof. N.R. Phadnis, in I.E.E.E region 10 international conferences held at Bombay during November 1989.
2J A paper co-authored by Deshpande, Mr. G.S. Chinchwadkar, Prof. N.R. Phadnis and Dr. •S.G. Joshi on "Interfacing two motion robotic manipulator to IBM compatable PC: A case study" has been approved for presentation in the national symposium on computer applications at College of Engineering Amaravati.
After successfully completing preparatory course, staff members Mr. M.S. Vader, Mr. B.V. Pawar have joined M.E. electronics course as part time students. Miss A.P. Bedekar joined part-time M.E. ,Electronic course.
1. Mr. G.S. Chinchwadkar Micro-electronic Compatible sensor Technology
2. Mr. S.K. Bodhe Telematics
3. Mr. D.M. Deshpande PC interfacing & Real Time Instrumentation
4. Mr. P.W. Kulkarni Programming methodology
5. Mr. S.V. Dudul Digital Signal processing
6. Miss. A.P. Bedekar Computer Graphics
1. Mrs. S.S. Apte Simulation of 8085 on IBM PC,Prof.( Mrs.) R.S.Patil.
2. Mr. S.K. Dixit Microprocessor controlled Robot for size insepetion.Prof. N.R. Phadnis
3. Mr. S.V. Dudul Digital computer aided design & implementation of adaptive digital filters.--do--
4. Mr. A.K. Chandak Multistage, Multirate filtering of noisy signals Prof. N.R. Phadnis
5. Mr. M.M. Mushrif Devnagari word processor for IBM PC Prof. A.R. Yardi.
6. Mr. P.S. Revankar Microprocessor based Multiloop process control system.
Prof. A.R. Yardi
1] Mr. P.J. Kulkarni, HOD (PW) has been appointed as Asst.Professor on P.G. sides since September 1989. Mr. M.S. Vader has taken over as incharge HOD, (PW)
2] Mr. S.V. Dudul left the institute in Jan. 90 for better prospects.
3] Mr. S.M. Deshpande left the deptt. for Higher studies.
4] Mr. P.T. Kolpe, Senior lab asst retired in 1989. We wish him a happy long life.
5] The following staff members joined :
(A)1. Mr. D.B. Kulkarni. 2. Mr. V.B. Dharmadhikari 3. Mr. B.G. Patil 4. Mrs. S. Subbaraman
(B) Ad -hoc Appointments.
1, Mr. R.P. Gadgil 2, Mr. P.M. Gore 3, Mr. S.M. Horginmath Mr. J.R. Kulkarni. 5. Miss. M.M.Kulkarni. 6. Mr. D.M. Deshpande Degree 7. Mr. A.S. Chitnis Degree 8. Mr. V.R. Udupi Degree 9. Mr. A.V. Shaha Degree 10. Mr. A.A. Agashe P.W. 11. Mr. P.B. Patil P.W.
For the newly setup labs sophisticated educational models like PC lab, process control lab, PLC, ICE. 85 etc. have been purchased. Computer facility has been strengthened by addition of new systems.
1. Prof. N.R. Phadnis World communication day AIR. Sangli.
2. Prof. A.R. Yardi Digital instrumentation for M.E.(Electronics) _TKIET_ Warnanagar
3. Mr. P.J. Kulkarni 1. India's achivements in space technology. AIR Sangli. 2.Fifth generation computers, AIR Sangli.
Guest Faculty
1. Mr. S.P. Dixit (MAEP, PUNE) 2. Mr. Rajiv Patil (Ansuhuman, PUNE) 3. Prof. A.A. Bagwan (DYP, KOLHAPUR)
i) PC interfacing ii) Microcontroller 8051 Microprocessors in Industries problems & Solutions iii)Scientific approach to software development
OTHER ACTIVITIES As usual, the deptt. has successfully conducted part-time certificate course and diploma course in computer science. So also CLASS project course have been successfully arranged under the able guidance of Prof. N.R. Phadnis.
PROF. N.R. PHADNIS. Head of the Deptt.