Electronics Dept 2K6

1. Year of Establishment 1986
2. Faculty Figure: UG 12 PG 2
3. Student Intake (Entry Level) UG 60 PG 18

4. Development under TEQIP at department level :

i. Infrastructure Development
ii. Equipment Added :
Name of the laboratory, Total Investment In the lab, Specialized Equipment In the laboratory
i.Cornmuniattion Engineering, 30,o lacs, 100M Hz. 60MHz DSO. Microwave Bench, RADAR and Satellite Trainers. Antenna Trainer
ii.Test and Measurement, 12.0 lacs Multl-product Calibrator
iii.Computing Facility 6.0 lacs Servers and 6KVA Online UPS
iv.Embedded System Design Lob, 10.0 lacs, Microcontroller Kits; RTOS, USB Development kit. ARM Controller ComDialer
v.VLSI Lab, 10.0 Lacs, VLSI Design Kits. Mentor Graphics Desian Software
vi.DSP Lab, 8 0 Lacs, DSP Kits and Compiler Tiger Shark DSP

iii. Workshop Arranged :
'Fixed Voltage Power Supply Design. Assernbling and testing' for S.E. students conducted by Non Teaching Staff of the department
5. Faculty Induced promoted / Retired /New job assignments
SN, NAME, Position, Responsibility, Month
1 Mr. Tamhankar S. G., Lecturer, New Appointnien Nov.2K5
2 Mr. Sulakhe V. V., Lecturer, Now Appointment (From Poly. Wing) Nov 21(5
3 Dr(Mrs.) S.Subbaraman, Professor, Selection - Nov 2K5
4 Dr.(Smt.) R.S.Patil, Professor, Voluntary Retirement to join as Principal at Sinhgad College. Pune, Oct.2K5
5 Dr Ohs.) S.Subbararnan Professor Dean (Academics) Nov 2K5
6 Mr. Kora S.N., Asst Professor, I/C Head of Department, Co-ordinator Central Computing Faolity Nov 2K5

6- Training organized for Teaching, Non Teaching Staff :
Sr. No. Name of the Programme, Date/Duration, Coordinator, Conducted by, Industry Associates Activity for No. of Beneficiiaries
A two day training programme on Process Simulation Software, 16-17 Sept 2005, V. B. Dharmadhikari, S. N. Kore, Mr. Anankanth, Cyber Motion Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, Cyber Motion Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad, faculty members & PG students
A four day training programme on ‘Mentor Asic Tools’, 21-24th Sept 2005, Dr. D. S. Subharaman, Mr. Mank CGCoreEL, Bangalore, CGCoreEL, Bangalore, Faculty & PG Students, 10 faculty members and 2 PG students
A one day programme on on *ARM Controlleri” 1st Oct. 2005, V. B. Dharmadhikari, Mr. Ravindra, ESA Systems, Pune, ESA Systems, Pune, Faculty, 7 faculty members
A one day workshop on Student Evaluation Systemin”, 21st Oct. 2005, Dr. D. S. Subharaman, Prof. Gaytonde, IIT Mumbai & faculty from network institutes, -, faculty from network institutes,72 faculty members
Demonstration of 'Steaming Video Hardware and Software’ 18th Nov. 2005, V. B. Dharmadhikari Mr.Pradeep Pathak. Rahul Commerce, Pune, Rahul Commerce, Pune, Faculty Network Institutes, 10 faculty members 10 PG students
Demonstration of Maya Animation Software and Video Conferencing Software”, 15th Dec. 2005, V. B. Dharmadhikari, Mr. Masrul, Rahul Commerce, Pune, Rahul Commerce, Pune, faculty Network Institutes,, 33 faculty members
Two day Workshop on “Educational Video Content Creation”, 21-22nd Jan. 2006, V. B. Dharmadhikari, V. V. Sulakhe, Mr. Balkrishana Damle, EMRC, Pune, Asian Society Research and Training, Pune, Faculty of Network institutes, 18 faculty members
A five day training program on “Red-Hat Linux”24-28 Feb 2006, S. N. Kore, Mr. Monka, Red-Hat, Faculty Staff, PG Students of WCE, Sangli, 17 faculty Staff, PG Students
Training Program on “Multisim software”, 15th Feb. 2006, S. N. Kore, Mr. Amit Trident Techlab, Trident Techlab, Faculty of WCE, Sangli, 2 faculty members
“ Design and Implementation of Fixed Voltage Power supply”, 4th-5th Mar. 2006 S. N. Kore, Support Staff of Electronics Dept, -, Students SE( Elec and Eln) of WCE, Sangli, Total 69 students

No. Name of the Programme Duration Date/ Participant Conducted by
1. PC - Hardware Maintenance Course Jan-3-27, 2006 M: R G. Mevekari N.T. T. F., Banglore
2. Red Hat Linux Enterprise 4.0, 24th -28th Feb. 2006, Mr. S. G. Tamhankar, Mr. R. G. Mevekari, Mr. R. C. Kanetkar RED HAT Training Division. Mumbal
3. Personal Development and Management 23rd -25th Jan 2006, Dr (Mrs.) S D..Apte Wellingkar Insttute at Mangement, Mumbai

7, Achievements:
i. Mr. Kore S.N. rewarded with' Best Teacher Award*
ii. Mr Kore S.N . elected as a Member of BoS. Shivaji University, Kothapur
iii. Dr(Mrs) Apte S.D.is working ns a Member Faculty of BoS, Shiva! University,Kolhapur
iv. Mrs. Deshpande S.S. & Mr. Marathe N V joined Ph D. under QIP program at IIT Mumbai

8 Resource Generation :
Received Rs 75.000/- donation from Cybernation S/w. Hyderabad for development of Electronics Department

9 Student Association Activities :
i. Flood relief fund Rs 4185f-
ii Blood donation camp on Aug 15 2005 by ELESA: 64 bottles donated to Vasantdada Patil Blood Bank
ill. Mastermind Quiz conducted on 28-29 Sept 2005 iota] team 60

10, Any other Information :

Mr. S N.Kore is working as coordinator for Central Computing fatality. Its facility of 70 nodes established with all High end m/c with TFT monitor. HP make high end servers are installed. E-learning packages are also installed. Internet faciliy with 512 KBPS fiber link and 1MBPS Broad Band link is established. 24 Hours internet faulty is available.
New setup of campus wide network with fiber and wireless wilI start from May 2006
All the soltwarea hko MATLAB, MULTISIM. PROTEUS. Auto Cad 2006. MIDAS, etc are also installed at CCF.
A vide() streaming And Video Conferenting facility is established.
CCF phase n is planned with another 100 machines with store back up . ERP packages for e-governance and administration.

Prof. S. N. Kore HOD Electronics