Electronics & Computer Dept News 1990-91
Under DCA grants received from Govt. of India various sophisticated equipments like Logic Analyzer and a range of PC's, PC/XT's along with different software packages have purchased and the following new laboratories are being set up.
1. Advanced Microproprocessor Lab 2. PCB Lab 3. PC Networking Lab
A. Following papers are being submitted for approval at symposium to be held in Singapore.
1. 'Normalized Hierarchical Vector Quantization' - Sarvashri.P. J. Kulkarni, V. Udupikar, Prof. N. R. Phadnis.
2. 'A Novel Technique of Character Recognition' - Sarvashri.A. A. Magdum, P. J. Kulkarni, Prof. N. R. Phadnis.
3. 'A Quad Tree Based Approach for Fingerprint Verification' - Sarvashri.P. P. Kulkarni, Prof. N. R. Phadnis.
B. Prof. A. R. Yardi attended a symposium and workshop on Recent Advances in Microprocessor Applications at I.I.T. Bombay.
I. Shri. G. S. Chinchwadkar joined M. Tech. (Comp. Service) at I.I.T. Kharagpur under cross-migration scheme of Deptt. of Electronics.
2. Shri. P. S. Revenkar & Shri. M. M. Mushriff successfully completed M. E. (Electronics) course.
I. Shri. S. S. Patil - based controller for Sugar parameters - Guide : Prof. Mrs. R. S. Patil.
2. Shri. V. Udupi -Word recognition on 8085 based system - Prof. N. R. Phadnis.
I. Prof. A. R. Yardi has been appointed as Head of Electronics & Computer Engineering Department w.e.f. July 1990.
2. Shri. S. K. Bodhe has been appointed as Assistant Professor in electronics since June 1990.
3. Shri. S. M. Deshpande & Shri. D. M. Deshpande joined as Lecturers in Computer Engineering.
4. Shri. A. A. Agashe & Miss. M. M. Kulkarni joined as Lecturers in Electronics' in Diploma Wing.
5. Shri. M. M. Mushriff left the institute for better prospects.
As usual the department successfully conducted diploma course in computer science under guidance of Prof. N. R. Phadnis.
I. Dr. V. C. Bhaysar from New Brunswick University (Canada) delivered a lecture on - Parallel Processing.
2, Dr. Eric Foxley from Nottingham University (U.K.) delivered a lecture on - Software Engineering.
Prof. A. R. Yards Head of the Department.