Mech. Dept News 1983-84

1 Summer / Winter Schools / Short Courses etc.
i) Following staff members of this Department attended the Summer School on `.‘ Hydraulic and

Pneumatic Controls Used in Machine Tools and Testing
2 Prof M. C. Dabir, A. G Potdar J. G. Kulkarni S. B, Digewade ,, J. G Gajendragadkar G. D. Bhide
ii) Prof J. G. Kulkarni, Prof S. P. Kulkarni, and Prof D. G. Dabake attended the Summer School

on "Human Behaviour-at works ", in the month of May 1983 held at this Institute.

2 Publications
i) " Design and Development of a Testing Machine For Friction Material paper presented by Shri

R. G. Todkar and Prof B. D. Kelkar in the Seminar held at V. R. D. E. AHMEDNAGAR during 2nd-4th

Feb 1984.
ii) " Free Convection Heat Transf from Vertical Tapered Fin Arrays pa' presented by Dr. N. K.

Sane and Prof Kulkarni, at 7th National Heat and Transfer Conference held at IIT Kharagpur in Dec. 1983.
iii) " Laminar flow Meter pal presented by Dr. M. B. Sajanikar, Dr. K. Sane, Miss. Tikekar A.

N. and Sh. kulkarni S. S. in the proceedings of 12t1 National Conference of Fluid mechanic and

Fluid Power, Delhi in Dec. 1983.

3 Lectures Delivered
Prof B. D. Kelkar and Prof A. V. Deshingkar delivered lecture on " Science Through Toys in

Science Symposium organised jointly by "All India Radio, Bombay, Pune, Sangli" and "Marathi

Vid-nyan Prabodhini," Sangli on 22nd Jan. 198 4 at Miraj.

Prof. V. R. Marathe, V. M. Diwan A. G. Potdar, S. B. Digewade and J. G. Gajendragadkar

delivered lectures in the first term and Prof. Dr. M. B. Sajanikar, P. G, Ramdasi and G. D.

Bhide delivered lectures in the second term, at Kore Insti-tute of Technology, Warananagar.

4 Educational Tours :.
i) Prof B. D. Kelkar and students of M. E. (Mech) Design Sem. II attended the "Modus-84" Design

Students Annual Meet held at IIT Powai, Bombay. This Seminar and Exhibition was sponsored by

the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad and industrial Design Centre HT Bombay was held

during 7th to 10th March T84.

ii) Prof A. V. Deshingkar conducted or one day educational tour of T. E. (Mech) TI class to the

Works of Kirloskar Brothers Kirloskarwadi, in Sept. 1983.

iii) Prof. K. K. Nigalye conducted an educational tour of T.E.(Mech) Class to South India

during 16th to 26th Dec. 1983

iv) V. R. Bahulekar, Prof. S. P, Chavan, Prof. D. G. Dahake and Shri. V. K. Joshi had conducted

educational tour of III Sem ( Mech, Elec, & Industrial Electronics ) Class to Kirloskar

Brothers Ltd. Kirloskarwadi, on 7th and 8th Jan. 1984.

v) Prof D. G. Dahake conducted educational tour of IVth Sem (Mech) Diploma Class to Pune from

10th to 13th Dec. 1983.

vi) Prof D. G. Dahake conducted an educational tour of Vth Sem (Mech) Dip-loma Clads to visit

places of industrial and cultural Importance in South India during 18th Feb. to 2nd March 1984.

5 Staff News ;
i) Prof.M. G. Bhat, Prof. B. D. Kelkar, Dr. A. B. Kulkarni and Prof. D. S. Gadgil, were awarded

the Certificate of Merit for the outstanding design and development of "Dynamic Bearing Testing

Machine" During 1982-83 by National Research Development Corporation of India, New Delhi.
ii) Prof. S. G. Barn retired in Feb. 1983 after long tenure of his service of about 26 years in

our Department. He is a Popular and welknown teacher of Engg. Drg.
iii) Prof. Dr. M.B. Sajanikar successfully defended his research work entitled "

Investigations of Fluid Flow Through Curved Diffusers", Degree of Doctor of Philosophy was awarded to him in Sept. 1983 by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
iv ) Dr. S. D. Madnaik left department to take new responsibility of Incharge, Principal at

Walchand Institute of Techn—ogy, Solapur.
6 Other Activities :
i) Department successfully organised a two week Summer School on "Hydraulic and Pneumatic

Controls used in Machine Tools and Testing Machines (Industry Based)" in July 1983 under the

Joint Co—ordinatorship of Prof. B. D. Kelkar and Prof. Dr. S. D. Madnaik. Following staff

members delivered lectures in this School-
1) Principal Dr. P. A. Kulkarni 2) Prof. M. G, Bhat 3) Dr. S. G. Joshi 4) Prof. N. D. Bapat 5)

Dr. N. K. Sane 6) Prof. A. V. Deshingkar 7) Prof. S. G. Kanitkar 8) Prof. M. P. Kaulgud
Shri D. G. Dahake and Shri S. B. Jalihal helped organise the Summer School Programme and

Industrial visits at Kirloskarwadi, Belgaum, Kolhapur and Ichalkaranji.
7. M. E. Dissertations —
Following post graduate students have completed their project work successfully.
Student Guide
1 ) Shri. S. B. Jalihal Guide - Prof. B. D. Kelkar
2) Shri R. G. Todkar Guide -Prof B. D. Kelkar 3) Shri. S. B. Dange Guide -Prof B. D. Kelkar Shri T. B. V. S.Aradhya Guide -Prof. A. V. Deshingkar
5 ) Shri. J. G. Kulkarni Guide -Prof. Dr. N. K. Sane

" Some studies on Pneum atic ally operated Liquid Level Controlling System." " Design of

Friction Material Testing Machine."
" Some Studies on Design of Sugar Cane Cutting Machine"

"Use of work sampling Techique for Better Utilization of Man Power & Machine Capacities."
"Natural Convection Heat Transfer From Vertical Fin Arrays."
— Prof M. G. Bhat