Mech Dept News 1978-79

This year the facilities for under-graduate training at the department were expanded in view of the additional intake of I20 students at first semester of the last year. Under this scheme the Workshop space as well as machines, have been increased so as to accommodate the additional students. In addition to the last year's increase in experimental facility, equipment like wind tunnel, automatic boiler and a variety of electronic instruments have been added to the Laboratory facility. 
For Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Practicals, students of B. E. (Mech.) Class of College of Engineering, Karad were provided with all facilities in our Department laboratories, as usual. 
Industrial Liaison : 
Production planning section of the Department undertakes specialized jobs of the design, prototype manufacture and their testing type of jobs for the neighbouring industries, and during this year the follow-ing major jobs were completed : 
ti) Design and Manufacture of Matrix pressing for Devanagari Script-Monotype-for M/s Limaye Type Foundry, Industrial Estate, Sangli. 
(ii) Addition of feeding mechanism for 'Kektad' fibre separation machine for Yerala Development Scheme, Tasgaon. 
ill) Design and fabrication of Pasveer type agitators for Waste treatment for Mis Nath Pulp Co , Aurangabad, Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana, Warananagar, and Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana, Sangli. 
Testing : 
The Department as usual, undertakes the work of testing of Centrifugal pumps, Sluice valves, pressure and vacuum gauges, Riksltwa Meters, thrust bearings, water meters, pressure vessels, textile spindles, material handling equipment, material com-position etc.. for the neighbouring indus-tries. 
Staff News : 
Dr. N. K. Sane, Assistant Professor, has resumed his duties at the department, after completion of his post-doctoral research assignment at Delft University, Netherlands. 
Mr. M. B. Sajanikar and Mr. M. D. Madnaik, Lecturers, have reported at I. I. T., Bombay. to undertake the research work leading to Ph. D. 
Mr. S. G. loshi, Assistant Professor, has been awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, by the Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore, in the month of September 1978. 
Post-Graduate Department News : 
Mr. S. G. Kanitkar has completed his M. E. thesis entitled " Design, fabrication and testing of a pneumatic transducer for Carding machines'. under the guidance of Professor Dr. P. A. Kulkarni. 
Mr. D. G. Pujari has completed his M. E. thesis entitled. "Design. fabrication-testing of a centrally supported tilting pad type Mitchell thrust bearing", under the guidance of Professor Dr. P.A.Kulkarni. 
Mr. Gujar S. P. completed his M. E. thesis entitled. ' Use of Photortflective Moire fringe methods for detections in plate problems " under the guidance of Professor B. D. Kelkar. 
Mr. Melge S. G. completed his M. E. thesis entitled, ' Comparative study of various separation techniques in two-dimensio-nal photoclastic stress analysis and study of a shrink-fitted conical joint under the guidance of Prof. M. G. Bhat. 
Technical Papers / Articles / Notes Reports Accepted / Published (during the period 1978-79) : 
Dr. N K. Sane, Mr. M. C. Dabir and Mr. C. R. Bhuyar—' Some investigations on an Indented tube condenser for a small capacity refriger-ation system.' 
Dr. N. K. Sane - Numerical analysts of vapour flow in a cylindrical Heat Pipes'. 
These papers were presented at 6th National Symposium on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning held at I. 1. T., Bombay, December 1978. 
Dr. N. K. Sane :  Transient thermal conductivity probe paper accepted for publication at the fourth National Heat and Mass transfer Conference held at University of Rourkee in September 1978. 
Dr. S G. Joshi and Prof P. Shrinivasan 
1) Application of Laplace transformer technique to the solution of certain third order non-linear systems Journal of Sound and Vibration, 56 (3), 1978. 
2)  The non-linear response of a gyro-stabilized platform : Effect of cortec-tion torque time delay and random input': Journal of Sound and Vibration 57 (3), 1978. 
3) 'Pulse Response of third order Non-linear systems' : Journal of Sound and Vibration, 57 (4), 1978. 
Lectures delivered by - (during) 1978-79
 I) Professor B. D. Kelkar delivered two lectures-
a) Modern trends in experimental str-ess analysis b) Applications of photo-elasticity on design problems in Industry at Grand Hotel. Bombay, on 19th and 20th January 1979 for " Engineers in Industry Seminar organised by B. I'. C., Bombay." 
2) Professor M. G. Bhat delivered three lectures on ' use of photoelasticity in 
stress analysis' at Grand Hotel, Bom-bay, on 19th and 20th January 1979. for " Engineers in Industry Seminar organ. iced by B. P. C.. Bombay." 
3) Dr. P. A. Kulkarni A series of lectures on ' Production Management' at the  Shahu Institute of Business Education and Research. Kolhapur. 
4) Dr. N. K. Sane. delivered a talk on University level Engineering Educa-tion' at the Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands, in July 1978. 
5) Dr. S. G. Joshi delivered a lecture on Vibrational problem in an I. C. Engine crankshaft design (with special reference to marine engines)' on 26th February 1979 at the Naval College of Engineering, I. N. S. Shivaji, Lonavala. 
6) Mr. Suresh Sathe, M. S. (U. S. Al. a past student of our College now in Canada. paid a visit to Department while on tour of India, and delivered a lecture to Mechanical Engineering students on Problems in Heat Transfer in larger power plants '. 
Visits : 
Dr. N. K. Sane visited the exhibition ETEMA-78 organised by British Industries Manufacturing Engineering Educational Equipments at London. in May 1978. 
A Expert Committee of the Western Regional Council. Department of Technical Education. Government of India. visited the College on 8th February 1979 to evaluate the working of the College. The Committee Members inspected the facilities in all departments as well as the Campus.