Mech Dept 2K6
Year of Establishment 1952
1. Faculty Figures UG 14 PG 00
2. Students Intake UG 60 PG 18
3. Development at Department Level
a. Infrastructure development Equipments added
Sr. No. Item Purchased
01 PLC Trainer
02 Robot (6AXIS & 5 AXIS)
03 Computers (5 No)
04 UPS
05 Furniture
06 Jain Solar water heating system
07 C. F. D. Software Star CD (3 NO)
08 HP Printer
09 Two Pulse controllers
10 Mechatronics training package
11 CNC Lathe
12 Flaw detector
13 Licentiate ALGOR software
14 Licentiate CA TLA software
15 Licentiate ANSYS software
16 1 No Server & 9 Nos Computers
b. Workshop arranged
1) A seminar on ‘PLC' was arranged on 26-Aug. Mr. Vasudeo Joshi from Prolific Pvt Ltd. Pune has delivered lecture*
2) Department arranged seminar on Recent trends in Heat Exchangers on 31st March 2006
3) CAD/CAE workshop conducted by Mr. S. V. Gaikwad
4. Faculty Inducted. Recruitments, promotions
Mr. J M. Dabir joined as Workshop Superitendent
5. Achievements:
1) Mt B.S. Gawali awarded PhD, degree from IIT. Bombay and took charge of Head of Mechanical Department from 9th January 2006.
2) Dr M. Y Khke selected as a Professor.
3) Dr M. Y. Khke elected as BOS Member for Mech. Engg for Shivaji University.-Kolhapur
4) Dr. B. S. Gawali elected as BOS Member of Production Engineering at Shivaji University. Kolhapur.
5) Dr. M. Y. Khire worked on advisory board of National conference on Recent advances in manufacturing NCRTM 06 at 'KIT Kolhapur- 7-8 Jan 06.
5. Seminars and workshops attended by faculty
Subject, Date, FACULTY
a) Vibrating Monitoring. and analysis for fault dragnosis, Oct’2005,Prof. S, P Chavan
b) Tution aid system' July 2005 indo:Sparks electrical and Motors Industriies co ltd Mumbai
c) Non destructive testing’, July 2005, Mr. Naik S.D., General Manger, GE Inspection Technology. Mumbai
d) Management Capacity and Vision development, - , Prof. S P Chavan
e) Enhancing skills of Non-teaching staff, Dec. 2005, Shri R.G. Vaidya and A S Kanble
f) SAE INDIA 'International congress and Exposition 2005 Chennai - Prof. S.P. Chavan and G.D. Bhide
g) CAD and CAE info Tech Partners, Pune, -, all degree faculties
h) Prognvm on Effective Teaching, July 2005, Mr M S. Joshi. Mt, S. D, Solanke. Mr. B.N. Naik and Mr S.V. Gaikwad
i) UGS software on CAD/CAM Aurangabad,-, Dr. M. Y. Khire
j) 'Train the Trainer” the training by ICS al Pune, Feb. 2006, S.D.Solanke
k) VibratIon and noise control and diagnosis, March 2006, S.p.Solanice
l) Ono day W/S on Faculty development by ICF AI, Sangli,Jan 2006, S. D.Solanke & B. N. Nalk
Publications by faculty
a) Journal Publication
Sr. No., Title of the Paper, Authors Name of the Journal with year and pg number
01 A Novel method for determination stress inlensly factor for a crack emanating from riveted hole, S. P. Chavan, Havanale and others, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Volume 86. Oct 2005
1. b) Conference Publication
Sr. No., Title of the Paper, Authors, Name of the Journal with year and pg number
02 Condition based preventive maIntolnarce of rotary machines by using vibration measurement measurement and analysis' Prot. S P Chavan Mr. G. D. Bhide. S. D. Solanke and Mr. 8. N. Naik, ' National Conf. on Recent trends in Mech. Engg. "Yantra 2005" at College of ,Engg, Pandharpur (23-24- Dee. 2005)
03 Aesthetics. Ergonomics & Creativity in Engg. Design, Sharad Gaikwad, National Conf. on Recent trends in Mech. Engg. -Yantra 2005 at .College of Engg. Pandharpur during 23:24 Dec. 2005
04 Manufacturing processes optimization using GA., Dr. M.Y Khire & Manish A A. 'National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing NCRTM-2006 at KIT”
05 Maintenance - The important tool of 'cycle management in India, Dr M.Y. Khire & Betlgari M D 'National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing NCRTM-2006 at KIT-
06 Multivariate data analysis- a teething received, Dr M. Y Khire & Chikhale P. P. "National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing NCRTM-2006 at KIT
07 Quality function development Dr. M Y Khire & Phuke N H. -National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing NCRTM-2006 at KIT”
8 Assignment model tonnutation for cellular manufacturing Dr. M Y Khire & Kapare A. R "National Conference on Recent Trends In Manufacturing NCRTM-2006 at KIT
09 Cast rod and magnifier and device a now tool for quality Management_ Dr. M. Y. Khire and Yadhav D. D "National Conference on Recent Trends in Manufacturing NCRTM-2006 at KIT”
10 Dustainable development thinkIng in terms of product life cycle.
Dr M. Y Khire and Betgari M D "National Seminar on CAD/CAM Robotics and function of at BIT Ranch! during Dec. 05
11. Employee suggestion scheme- a case study, Dr M Y Khire and Shaha N R "National Seminar on CAD/CAM Robotics and function ot at BIT Ranch, during Dec 05.
12 A content Engg approach in purchasing new m/c tool for SSI - a case study, Dr M Y Khire and Daulatabad N.M., "National Conf on Recent trends in Mech Engg - Yantra 2005 at College of Fogg. Pandharpur. during 23.24 Dec 05
13. Mechatronics approach in high speed packaging machinery, Dr M. Y. Khire and Shivanikar S D. "National Conf. on Recent trends in Mech Engg - Yantra 2005 at College of Engg Pandharpur. during 23.24 Dec. 05.
14 Design Methodology for pulse tube Refrigerator. Dr Gawali B.S and Narayankhedkar K.G. 'National Conf. on Recent trends in Mech Engg - Yantra 2005 al College of Engg. Pandharpur during 23-24 Dec 05.
15 Application of computational fluid dynamics for the analysis of pulse Tube dry cooler, Dr. B S Gawali and S. 8 Bidder, "National Conf. on Recent trends in Mech Engg - Yantra: 2005 at College of Engg Pandharpur. during 23.24 Dec. 05
16. Cyclic Analysis el counter flow pulse tube refrigerator, Dr. B. S. Gawali and Khare S B. "National. Conf. on Recent trends in Mech Engg. - Yantra 2005 at College of Engg. Pandharpur. during 23-24 Dec. 05.
17 Analysis of cyclic flow Heat exchanger used in pulse refrigerator, Dr B S Gawali and Gaikwad S M. 'National Conf. on Recent trends in Mech Engg. • Yantra 2OO5 at College of Engg. Pandharpur during 23-24 Dec 05
18 Regenerative v/s. Recuperative heat exchanger, Dr. B. S. Gawali and Revi Anarse
"National Cont. on Recent trends Mech Engg - Yantra- 2005 at College of Engg. Pandharpur. during 23.24 Dec. 05.
8. Resource Generation ;
1 Mechalronics practicals conducted for other colleges.
2. Pipe testing-
3 Gauge testing alt MQC lab.
4. Consultancy work by Prof. S. P Chavan.
9 Activities of Students' association,. MESA-MESC
Events Organised :
1 MESA.MESC conducted an event 'GATE-READY at college level on 29th Jen. 2006. 2. 'Novels' An event for FE Students at department level
Seminars arranged :
1. Vibrations and Noise Measurements" by Prof. S. P. Chavan:WCE Sangt. 8th Oct 2005.
2. 'Role of consultancy for society" by Mr Barve (HOD Mechanical - Rizvi College of Engineering Mumbai) delivered on 25th Jan 2006 ‘
3. "Micro convective flows' by Prof Mahulkar of Aerospace Deportment, IIT, Bombay on 11th Feb. 2006
1. Weekly club service for mechanical students
10. Additional information
1. Technical Tour of faculty members was arranged on 27th Sep. 05 to Koyana Hydro Electrical Power station
2. Technical tour tor BE Mechanical students was arranged to "Radhanagari & Kalamwadi Power Station
Dr. B. S: Gawali HOD Mech. Dept.