Electrical Dept News 1991-92
All equipment worth Rs. 7.5 Lakhs from Direct Central Assistance (DCA grant) from Central Government has been procured and part of the equipment purchased under Rs. 1.75 lakhs grants for Electrical Engg. Dept. of Polytechnic Wing is yet to be received by the Department.
Second year of M.E.(Elec)(Control Systems)(Vacational) was completed by three students out of 5 admited,st year.
Achievements of Persons :
1. Prof. R. R. Marathe, Professor & Head of Electrical Engg. Dept. has been elected as Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (India) Calcutta and declared to be Chartered Engineer (India) by the same Institution.
2. Mr. M. P. Devel, Head of Dept. (P.W.) has published (through M/s. Vrinda Publications, Jaigaon) a book 'Generation Engineering'. This book is specially prepared for Second Year Electrical Engineering, diploma students.
3. Mr. D. K. Deshpande, Lecturer in Elec. Engg. Dept. (Polytechnic wing), secured M.E.(Electrical) in first class.
New Appointments :
1. Shri. P. M. Dlwan and Shri. A. W. Kolte joined as Lecturer in Electrical Engg. on Degree Side from 2-1-1992 on Ad Hoc basic.
2. Shrl. J. Y. Mane, Miss. S. V. Kelkar and Shri. A. S. More joined as Lecturer on Polytechnic Wing.
Resignations :
1. Shri. A. P. Huwale, Lecturer in Electrical Engg. in Degree side left the serivce from 1-10-91.
2. Shrl. M. D. Awalekar left the Service and joined M.S.E.B. for better prospects.
New Equipment Purchased :
Under DCA grants of 15 lakhs of last year and Rs.7.5 Lakhs this year, new accurate measuring instruments from M/s. Automatic Electric Co. Bombay.
Educational Tours : (Industrial Visits)
The students of S.Y. (Electrical) and T.Y. (Electrical) visited the following industries and studied the manufacturing processes and other technical details of the industries.
1. Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karakhana, Sangli. 2. Kirloskar Brothers Ltd., Kirloskarwadi. 3. Kirloskar Hermetic Valves, Karad. 4. Shakti Steel Alloys Ltd., Miraj. 5. Chitale Dairy Farm, Bhilwadi. 6. Sahyadri Starch, Mira}.
Seminar/Summer/Winter School/Short term Course attended
1. Shrl. Y. R. Aire, Asst. Prof. in Elect. Engg. attended a short term course in Electrical Drives and Control at TISCO, Jamshedpur.
2. Shrl. D. R. Path, Lecturer in Electrical Engg. attended a summer school in Artificial Intelligence and its Engg. Applications at I.I.T. Delhi from 1st to 14th June 1991.
3. Shri. S. S. Vanamane and Shri. D. S. More both Lecturer in Elec. Engg. attended a Winter School on 'Applications of microprocessor and Computer to Power System Protection and Control' at K.R.E.C. Suratkhal, (Karnataka State)
4. Prof. R. R. Marathe, Professor and Head of Electrical Engg. Dept. attended two days National workship on 'Berygellium Technology' at B.A.R.C. Bombay on 5th and 6th Dec, 1991.
Testing and Consultancy Work :
Usual work of testing of Induction motors etc. has been going on and with the addition of H.V. Testing sets for M.S.:E.B. and testing of electronic Chokes, it is hoped that more testing work will be undertaken in the coming years.
Sr.No. Name of Student Topic Guide
1. Mrs. V. A. Hagargi Multiterminal Power Flow Studies for the DC Power System Prof. R. R. Marathe
2. Mr. D. P. Kate Study of Power Management through Prof. R. R. Marathe Programmable Logic Controller
3. Mr. S. R. Sadugol Digital D.C. Motor Speed Control with Prof. Dr. A. V. Risbud Feed back system
4. Mr. H. N. Nagraja Study of H.V.D.C. Converter voltage control and Reactive Power Compensa-tion Prof. Dr. A. V. Risbud
5. Mr. J. R. Desal Microprocessor based on line Measurement and Display of Performance data of Induction Motor Prof. Dr. H. P. Inamdar
6. Mr. S. A. Gogate Mircoprocessor based starting and protection of 3 Phase Induction Motor Prof. S. D. Path!
7. Mr. G. D. Kamalapur A novel approach to 3 Phase High Prof. S. M. Alnapure Power Servo Drive
8. Mr. D. K. Deshpande Slip Power measurement of Induction Prof. S. M. Alnapure Motor using rotor slot harmonies
9. Mr. S. S. Apte Graphics Robot Sirmulator Prof. V. R. Atre.
Prof. R. R. Marathe Head of Elect. Engg. Deptt.