Electrical Dept News 1985-86
Following appointments were made this year —
Shri V. V. Lokare,Professor
Shri R. R. Marathe, Professor
Shri H, P. Inamdar Assistant Professor
Following Lecturers on the Degree Side
Shri V N. Bapat
Shri D. R. Patil
Shri S. S. Vanamane
Shri A. P. Vaidya
Shri M. M. Shinde
II) Personal Achievments :
I) Shri H. P. Inamdar has been awarded the Ph. D. degree by the Indian Institute of Science. Dr. Inamdar was deputed by the College under the Q. I. P. Scheme Four technical papers by Dr: Inamdar have been accepted in various Inter-national conferences.
2) Shri Y. R. Atre obtained his M. E. degree with First Class.
3) Shri D. E. Sonawane obtained his M. E. degree in First Class with Distinction.
III) Courses
Dr., A. V. Risbud, Shri S. D. Patil and Shri D. R. Patil attended a two weeks course in "Microprocessors and Applications " organised by the Maland College of Engineering at Hassan in December 1985.
IV) Educational Tours :
Students of the T. E. (Elec) class went on an educational tour to Mysore, Shivasamudram, Ooty, Bangalore and Hyderabad in December 1985. Shri V. N. Bapat accompanied the tour party
Students of the S. Y. (Elec) class had an educational tour to Pune and Lonavala
in the third week of January 1986. Shri D. E. Sonawane accompanied the students.
V) Testing Activities :
The department has been carrying out various kinds of testing as per I. S. Specifications. Shri D. K. Deshpande is in charge of these activities.
Dr. A. V. Risbud Head of Elect. Engg.