Electrical Dept News 1978-79

A) Papers published I presented at the Seminars :
1. " Sparking Potentials and ionization currents in some electro-negative gases and their mixtures " by Prof. A. V. Risbud is published in Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, in January 1978.
2. Ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobi-lhy for electrons in nitrogen, carbon dioxide and their mixtures " is submi-tted by Prof. A. V. Risbud for the symposium on Plasma Physics and Magnetohydrodynamics to be held at B. A. R. C., Bombay in February, 1979
3. Measurement of ionization coefficient and sparking potentials in the mixtures of air and carbon dioxide " by Prof. A. V. Risbud is under consideration for its publication in J. Physics, D. Applied Physics, London,
4. Ionization and breakdown in carbon dioxide, nitrogen and their mixtures " by Prof. A. V. Risbud is under conside-ration for its publication in Trans. 1. E. E. E., Plasma Sciences.
5. " Ionization current growth in water vapour and ammonia " by Prof. A. V. Risbud is under consideration for its publication in Trans. I. E. E. E., Plas-ma Sciences.

B) M. E. Projects completed
I. " Describing functions and Critical Jump resonance Curve " by Shri D. R. Sovani under the guidance of Dr. S. R. Atre.

2. "Sensitivity Analysis and Optimum performance of Load frequency control" by Shri K. B Chandak under the gui-dance of Prof. U. Gudaru.

C) M. E. Projects Undertaken :
I) " A critical performance of S. C. R. controlled drive D.0 separately excited motor " by Prof. M. P. Deval under the guidance of Prof. U Gudaru.
2) * A thyristor controlled chopper circuit for the speed control of a slipring-induction motor" by Prof. N. M. Gatfane under the guidance of Prof. U. Gudaru.
3) "Application of self balancing a. c. bridge using FETs to process tempera-ture transmitter," by Shri B. B. Mane under the guidance of Prof. A. L. Thacker.
4) " Digital simulation of electromagnetic transients in power systems by fast Fourier Transform algorithm " by Shri T. Sai Rama under the guidance of Prof. U. Gudaru.
5) " Design and sensitivity Analysis of optimal regulators for synchronous Machines by Shri D. S. Deshmukh under the guidance of Prof. U. Gudaru.
6) " Power flow Analysis of large electri-cal networks using Sparsitz techniques" by Shri A. H. Kulkarni under the gui-dance of Prof. U. Gudaru.

D) Projects completed by the under-graduate students
I. " A Variable Voltage control by a Triac " by Shri V. L. Apte and Shri R. Y. Mashalkar under the guidance of Prof. M. P. Deval.
2. Prof. A. L. Thacker has guided the following projects ;
a) " A simple Electrical Organ " by Shri S. C. Madhav of lVth Semester B. E. ( Electrical ).
b) " A Temperature Indicator by Shri U. K. Edward of IVth Semester B. E. ( Electrical ).
c) " A Simple Timer " by Shri A. L. Israni of 1Vth Semester B. E. ( Electrical ).

E) Educational Tours
Class Places of visit i) B. E. (Elec.) North India (Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Agra Delhi, Srinagar, Chandigarh, Haridwar, Varanashi. ) 11) T. E. (Elec.) Bangalore Mysore. Ooty. iii) B. E. (Elec.) Koyna. and D. E. E.

A number of visits to local industries are also arranged.

F) Q. I. P. Industrial Training and Short-Term Courses :
1. Prof. R. R. Marathe has undergone an industrial training under Q. 1 P. at Marathc Engineering, Miraj, for three months in April-June 1978. '. Prof. U. Gudaru has attended a short-term course on .` Problems of E. H V. A. C. and D. C. Systems " at 1. I. T , Kanpur in December, 1978

G) Other Departmental News :
I. Prof A. V. Risbud has completed the work for Ph. D. Degree at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and submitted his thesis " Measurement of the ionization current growth and the ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility for electrons in feebly attaching gases." Prof. Risbud rejoined the department in December 1978
2 Prof. U. Gudaru is working on "Transient stability regions of multi-machine systems by the direct method of Lia-punov" for his Degree in Ph. D.
3. Shri D. L. Rao, working as Assistant Lecturer in Electrical Engineering has left the services of the college in October 1978 to join the Singereni Collieris, Andhra Pradesh

Projects undertaken by Electrical and Mechanical Departments jointly:
1) Variable Speed drive using slipping clutch with Solid State Control
There is a good deal of analogy between the operation of slipping clutch and induction motor. The excitation is due to direct current and rotating magnetic field is due to mechanical rotation of the field system. Variable speed at the output shaft is obtai-ned by controlling the excitation of the field system. The output speed of the clutch can be varied from zero to nearly full input speed of the clutch and in practice, the dissipation will decide its range of application.

This project is undertaken by the following students
I) D. N Gokhalc, B. E. (Elec.) Class, 2) M. V Soparkar, T. E. (Elec.) Class. 3) Abhay Chafekar and 4) Sanjay Waive both of B. E. (Tech ) Class, and is guided by I) Prof. R. R. Marathe, Electrical Engineering Department, 2) Dr. P. A. Kulkarni. Vice-Principal and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, 3) Dr S. G. Joshi, and 4) Prof. N. D. Bapat, both of Mechanical Engineering Department. 

2) Accurate torque measuring device for Electrical Dynamometer using Solid State Control
In this new type of torque measuring device, used on Electrical Dynamometer, the balance is obtained electrically by provi-ding the force with the help of coils carrying currents. These currents are compared on balancing bridge and the difference of e. m, f. s. on the bridge is a measure of the torque. As the balance on bridge can be obtained accurately, the system can be used for preci-sion torque measurements. This device is used for 5 to 20 H. P. range.

This project is undertaken by the following students : 1) Kelkar B. S., 2) Tilve M P., 3) Disit D. B.. of B. E. (Elec.) Class, 4) Kashikar V. R. and 5) Kulkarni S. G. of B. E. (Mech.) Class, and is guided by I) Prof. R. R. Marathe and Dr. M. R. Deodhar, both of Electrical Engineering Department, 3) Prof. A. V. Deshingkar, 4) Prof. N. D. Bapat, and 5) Prof. B. D. Eel-kar of Mechanical Engineering Department.

Students Activities
Engineering College Students' Chapter in Electrical Engineering of the Institution of Engineers, India ) started functioning from 15th September 1978 and 36 students have joined it so far. The activities of the Chapter consist of technical meeting of student members on every Friday, group discussion on technical and other topics of interests, field visits and film show etc. It is hoped that many more students will join it in near future.
R. R. Maratha Faculty Adviser