Computer Dept News 2003-2004

Following Events / Activities took place in the department…. 
*The department is looking after Institute wide Internet facility and currently undergone 64 KBPS Fiber Optics subscriber line for the Institute. *The Rational SEED [Software Engineering in Education] program Training, organized by the department, was conducted in the I.I.P.C. hall from 22/09/2003 to 26/09/2003. 
Mr.D.B. Kulkarni, Mr. B. F. Momin, Mrs. S. P. Sonawane, Mr. A. R. Surve, Mrs. P.S. Devangswamy have undergone the training held at our college, Mr. Jayesh Ingale from Zensoft, Pune conducted five days theory and practical sessions for the program. Mr. D. B. Kulkarni worked as course coordinator. 
*The department has purchased IBM Rational CASE tool software under the SEED program. This CASE