Civil Dept News 1995-96
General : Besides the regular academic and cocurricular I extra curricular activities, the deptt. of Civil Engg. has contributed and actively concerned in the following activities.
1) Principal Dr. P.A. Kulkarni and Environmental Engg. section have undertaken the asignment of evaluating power generation from biogas at kopargaon, S.S.Kolpewadi.
2) Environmental Engg. section has undertaken the project "Stabilization of biogas plant at Tilaknagar Industries Ltd., Tilaknagar.
3) Env. Engg. section has undertaken development of secondary treatment proposals for distilling waste treatment at various places. 4) Civil Engg. deptt. has given proposal for - cleansing action of Sheri Nalla at Sangli.
5) Shri Salkar and Shri Ramachandre from Civil Engg. deptt. have developed a low cost unit based on precast unit technique for rural areas.
6) Dr. B. Subbarao went Bangkok to evaluate distillary waste management alternative - 5th to 9th Feb. 1995.
7) Gas chromatograph for analysis of biogas, exhaust gas and other organic compounds was procured for Env. Engg.Lab. the instrument costs about Rs. 2.5 lacs.
Papers Published/Presented/Short Term Courses/Seminars/Conferences Attended :
(1) Dr. Subba Rao, Dr. S.V. Ranade, Shri J.M. Gadgil.
(a) Attended International conference on Environmental planning and managementat V.R.C.E. Nagpur from 24-26th feb. 1996. on "Inorganic Solids Concentration on Effluent application for Irrigation - A rational approach.”
(b) attended 44th Annual DSTA Conference, 22-23rd Sept. 1995 on "Application of Reboiler for Spent wash composting.”
(2) Dr. Subba Rao " Limiting Inorganic Dissolved as Standards for Crop Irrigation - A rational approach," National Seminar on mass, Industry and Environment organised by Dept. of Environmental Science. Bangalore University. 5th April 1995.
(3) Dr. V.D. Salkar & Shri S.B. Mane (a) "Low cost housing Ferro-cemeent boarding on pre stressed joints - An alternate flooring system ;" National Seminar on low cost housing, M.I.T. Gwalior, 22-23rd Dec. 1995.
(4) Dr. K.S.Wagh & Dr. V.S. Chandrashekharan "Non Linear Analysis of Reinforced Clays below Shallow foundations Indian Geotechnical Conference, Bangalore University 19-22 Dec. 1995.
(5) Dr. K.Ramamurthy & Shri. K.S. Gumaste (a) "Rational Design and cost effectiveness of Rat - trap bonded Masonry" - Civil Engg. construction review, Feb. 1996.
(6) Shri P.G. Sonavane & Dr. S.V. Ranade
"USe of appropriate technology in domestic waste treatment and disposal" Seminar on contemporary Services Plumbing and sanitation, Engineers and Architects Assoc. Sangli 10- 11th Feb. 1996.
(7) Dr. Subba Rao & Shri J.M. Gadgil- Attended Clean - Tech. 95 exhibition - (sponsered by Rahuri S.S.K. Ltd. Rahuri. Ahmednagar.) at Bangkok 22-28th Nov. 1995.
(8) Dr. K.S. Wagh & Shri S.S. Bapat (a) Attended Indian Geo Technical Conference - 95 at Bangalore University, Bangalore - 19 to 22nd Dec. 1995.
(9) Dr. K.S. Wagh (a) Attended a short course on "Analysis of shallow foundation - Coda! Provisions and Case Studies "at I.I.T. Delhi between 1st to 4th Feb. 1996. organised by Indian Geotechnic Society.
(10) Shri. S.S. Bapat. (a) Attended a winter course on "Analysis and prediction of soil behaviour" at I.I. Sc. Bangalore, Organised by I.S.T.E. between 8th to 19th Jan. 1996.
Short Term Course Conducted
One month training Course in Computer Applications for Officers of Environmental Engg. Circle Sangli by the faculty of Civil Engg. W.C.E. Sangli - 8th Jan. to 8th (Feb. 1996. Following faculty members contributed in running the course Dr. S.V. Ranade, Dr. K.S. Wagh, Shri.S.V. Ramachandre, Shri.S.S. Bapat, Shri. S.V.Chikurde.
The course was co ordinated by Shri S.V. Chikurde.
Testing & Consultancy Work :
Environmental Engineering : Routine analysis work for water, waste water and air is carried out in the Environmental Engg. Lab.
Survey Laboratory : Routine repairs and testing of survey instruments. Also Consultancy services provided for various construction activities.
Soil Mechanics Laboratory : Routine testing / analysis for soils was carried out in soil mechanics laboratory and consultancy services were provided for various Govt. / Semi Govt. / Private Organisations regarding foundation designs and slope - stability etc.
M.E. Dissertations :
Sr. Name of the Student Topic Guide No.
1. Puranik A.L. Study of heavy metal pollution problem due to solid waste & their leachates from different industries. Prof. J.M. Gadgil
2. Shastri S.S. Effect of initial organic concentration of Anaerobic Digestion. Dr. B.Subba Rao.
3. Shinde P.L. Effect of initial inorganic concentration on Anaerobic digestion Dr. B.Subba Rao
4. O.Rajesh babu Biological degradation of wax, Dr. S.V. Ranade.
Lectures Delivered :
Sr. Name of Staff Topic Venue
1. Dr. Subba Rao Secondary treatment of distillary effluents DSTA Hall, Pune on 6-07-1995
2. Dr. Subba Rao Distillary waste treatment alternatives Bangkok, Thailand 23-02-1995
3. Dr. Subba Rao Economics of Industry and Labour,Dept. of Humanities Shivaji University on 02-02-1996
4. Dr. Subba Rao Environmental Management Dept. of Eduction Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
5. Prof. S. S.Karandikar Water Resources Development Trans-basin river diversion.K.K. Wagh College of Engg. Nasik, in Aug. 1995
6. Prof. S.S. Karandikar Personality development EESA W.C.E. Sangli. in Oct. 95
7.Shri J.M. Gadgil Air Pollution Centre for Env. Sc. Sangli. in Dec. 95
8.Shri.J.M. Gadgil Air Pollution in Foundry Industry Assoc. of Indian Foundry Industry Belgaum on 18-09-95.
Prof. Dr. B.Subba Rao Head of Dept.