Civil Dept News 1992-93
As usual Civil Engineering Department was engaged in both academic activities and testing and consultancy works.
1. Dr. S. S. Karandikar attended annual convention of ISTE at SGSIES, Indore in December 1992. He also attended a National Seminar on the " Institutional Development and Management" at JNTU, Hyderabad.
2. Dr. Rao B. S. presented a paper on Water Pollution Control Technologies " in a seminar on "Management Development Programme on Water Pollution Control Technology" held at Jamanalal Bajaj Institute of Management on 14th July, 1992.
3. Dr. Rao B.S., Ranade S.V., Gadgil J. M. presented a paper on " Innovative Method of Waste Recycling in Agrobased Industries with a Case Study of Sugar Industry" in a seminar held at Pune, D.S.T.A. on 25th to 27th Sept. 1992.
4. Dr. Rao B. S. presented a paper on " Low Cost Waste Treatment Technology " in a seminar on "Environmental Protection " at Sangli on 27th to 29th Nov. 1992.
5. Dr. Rao B. S. presented a paper on " Operation and Maintenance of Effluent Treatment Plants" held at Aurangabad on 17th Jan. 1993.
6. Dr. Rao B. S. presented a paper on " Waste Treatment Options for Distillery Sugar, Pump and Paper Industries " in the International Workshop on " Waste Management and Waste Recycling in Developing Countries" held at Lonavala, on 4th to 8th May, 1992. (Organised by Asia Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, Bangalore.)
7. Shri. Gumaste K. S. presented a paper "Mud - A building material" at a workshop on " Alternative Building Material "at a workshop on "Alternative Building Materials for Semiurban and Rural Areas at Pune. (Jan. 93)
8. Shri. Salkar V. D., Shri. Ramchandre S. V. attended a workshop on "Alternative Building Materials for Semiurban and Rural Areas", (Jan. 93)
9. Shri. Ramchandre S. V. and Shri. Bapat S. S. attended a‘Workshop on " Performance Apprisal and Development Systems" at TKIET, Warnanagar (March 1993).
10. Shri. Salkar V. D. attended a seminar on "Human Dynamics of Management" organised D.K.T.E. society at Ichalkaranji on 6th March 1993.
1. Dr. S. S. Karandikar was elected on the National Executive Council of Indian Society for Technical Education to represent Maharashtra and Goa Section for two years (1993 and 94)
2. Shri. Salkar V. D. and Shri. Gumaste K. S. had proposed a R & D project on "Research and Testing of Alternative Building Technologies" to the Central Ministry of Human Resource Development. The Project was sanctioned with a grant of. Rs.5 Lakhs.
3. Dr. Rao B. S. received a grant of Rs.45,000/- from Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi for the preparation of short term status report on River Krishna from Karad to Sangli.
(a) Soil Mechanics : Routine soil testing work was Carried out for various Govt. and Semi-Govt. organisations. Consultancy assignments about bearing capacity, settlement analysis, foundations, were also carried out for Govt. and Private Organisations.
(b) Environmental Engg. : Analysis of water, wastewater and air was carried out.
(c) Surveying Laboratory : Regular repair works of Survey instruments were carried out for Govt and private organisations. Consultancy works for foundation layout, road alignment were carried out by Shri. Shirahatti M. K., Shri. Sonavane P. G., Shri. Munavalli G: R. and Gurnaste K. S. for Govt. and private organisations such as M.S.E.B., Sangli., K.M.C., Kolhapur etc.
(d) Shri. P. G. Sonavane, Shri. Munavalli G. R. and Shri. Chikurde were fully involved in the construction activities of the College.
1. Shrl. S. S. Jaln Effect of Biofilm Thickness on anaerobic digestion Dr. Rao B. S.
2. Shri. A. R. Parab Extended aeration process for anaer obically treated spent wash. Dr. Rao B. S.
3. Shri. F. S. Suryavanshi Effect of void ratio on anaerobic digestion Dr. Ranade S. V.
4. Shri. Hajare J.S. Hazardous Waste Treatment Dr. Ranade S. V.
5. Shrl. Mali D. S. Comparision of Cultures for Shri. J. M. Gadgil Aerobic Composting
6. Shrl. Kulkarni S. B. Diffusion of Air Pollutants from Thermal Power Plant Shrl. J. M. Gadgil.
1. Shrl. Gumaste K. S. Joined as a lecturer (Sept, 92)
2. Shrl. Mustud D. L. joined as a lecturer (Jan.93)
Equipments were purchased under D.C.A. Grants for Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering Laboratories.
1. Dr. S. S. Karandikar "Ground Water Conservation All India Radio, Sangli.
2. Dr. S. S. Karandikar "Computational Techniques" to Water Resources Engineering."
3. ShrI. V. D. Salkar "Application of Operation Research to Water Resources Engineering "
4. Dr. S. S. Karandikar "Performance Appraisal and Deve-lopment System"
Series of lectures for the class II officers, of Maharashtra State Govt. at " Water and Land Management Institute" (WALMI) Aurangabad (Dec.92; Feb. 93) (WALMI), Aurangabad (Jan. 92) TKIET, Warnanagar (6th March, 92.)
Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar Head of the Department