Civil Dept News 1991-92

The department has received Rs. 10 Lakhs from Govt. of India for development of envirorrilental quality resource centre. The process of purchasing equipment under this grant is in progress. The department has completed the procedure and the orders will be placed, soon to procure equipments under D.C.A. grants for Soil Mechanics and Water Resources Engineering.

1. Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao attended the conference on " Modernization of distillery industry and Pollution Control technique". held at Shri. Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Pune on 23rd to 25th of Jan. 1992. He presented a paper on "Distillery Effluent Treatment Techniques"

2. Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao attended a conference held in Pune during 10th to 15th Sept., 1991 by Indian Institute of Environmental Management, Delhi.

3. Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao attended a conference of voluntary organizations organised by Indian Institute of Management, Pune on 27th and 28th Dec., 1991. Discussions were held regarding probable projects to be taken up in environmental management.

4. Shri. J. M. Gadgil attended a two day workshop organised by Indo-European Society and Freidrich Foundation, Germany, jointly in Bombay in Nov. 1991. He presented a paper on 'Utilization of organic waste on land for irrigation'.

1. Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar & Shri. M. K. Shirahatti were elected unopposed as members of B.U.T.R. of Shivaji University.
2. Shri. J. M. Gadgii & Shri. V. D. Salkar were appointed as the Chairman and Member of Ad-hoc Board of Studies for environmental engineering, respectively.
3. Shrl. M. G. Devamane is selected for Ph.D. under Q.I.P. at I.I.T. Madras.

M.E. (Civil Hydraulic Engg.)
Sr. Name of Student Topic Guide No.
1. Shri. Ullagaddi P. B. Parametric study on design of outlets in dams Shri. D. P. Sakhadeo, Dr. S. S. karandikar

Shri. D. P. Sukhadeo was Invited as a visiting faculty for 'Hydraulic Structures' at B.E.(Civil)-11
Shri S. B. Patharabe resigned the department and joined Irrigation Department as a Class I Officer, Aug. 1991.
Shri. M. S. Bansode resigned the department and joined Railway Engineering Services as a Class I officer, Nov. 1991.
Shrl. P. G. Sonawane, Shrl. G. R. Munavalll joined the department respectively in August and Sept 91 as a lecturer in Civil Engg.

The surveying laboratory was equiped with Digital Planimeters.

M.E. (Civil) Environmental Engineering Vacation Course continued for Dissertation by the students under the guidance of Prof. 'Dr. B. Subba Rao, Dr. S. V. Ranade and Shit J. M. Gadgil.

1. The students of T.E.(C) along with Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar and Shri. M. G. Devamane visited Koyna Hydro-project on 7th Feb. 1992.
2. The students of B.E.(C) along with Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar, Shri. D. P. Sakhadeo and Shrl. S. S. Bapat visited Koyna Hydro-Project on 14th Feb., 92.

Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar Head of the Department