Civil Dept News 1990-91

The department has received Rs. 8 Lakhs from Govt. of India as a Direct Centre Assistance (Soil Mechanics - 5 lakhs and Water Resources Engg. - 3 Lakhs ) for modernisation and removal of obsolesance. As usual, the Civil Engineering Department' carried out extra-curricular and curricular activities and testing and consultancy works.
1) Dr. S.V. Ranade participated in a conference on 'Dams and the Environment' organised by Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
2) Dr. S.V. Ranade and Shri. J.M. Gadgil, attended a farmers Rally organised by Nature Foundation, Agricultural research centre at Digraj, Department of Environment, on Bio- control in Agriculture for Enviromental protection.

1) Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar was co-opted on the Board of Studies in Civil Engineering of Shivaji University to work as member.
2) Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar was invited for DIPEX-91 at Kolhapur to judge the Civil Engineering Models on 24th Jan. 1991.

1) Shri. M. G. Deomane and Shri. M. K. Shirhatti attended a winter school on Analysis, competition and Management of floods ' at I.I.T., Madras from 2-16th Dec. 1990.
2) Shri. S. V. Ramchandre attended a winter school on Transportation Management for Small and Medium Sized Cities ' at R.E.C., Surat from 28th Jan. to 9th Feb.1991.
3) Shri. S. V. Ramchandre organised and conducted a short term course on Computer Use ' for the staff of Sangli Irrigation Circle, Sangli. Total of 50 persons were trained from 3rd Dec. 1990 to 7th Jan. 1991. Dr. S. V. Ranade, Shri. S. S. Bapat, Shri. Bansode delivered lectures to the participants.
4) The department organised and conducted coaching for the benefit of students appearing for the GATE 91 examination during Jan. 1991.
5) The water resources day was celebrated on 24th April 1990 at the college. The function was co-sponsored by Sangli Irrigation Circle, Engineering colleges in Sangli, Central Water Resources Office, various Co-operative sugar factories of Sangli district.
1) The Hyadraulics wing was engaged in the consultancy assignment from the Vasantdada S.S.K. Ltd. Sangli and also in ground water exploration works around Sangli.
2) Environmental Engineering wing was engaged in as usual in consultancy activity for sugar factories, Distilleries, Public Bodies in water and waste water treatment schemes. The Environmental Engg. Laboratory was also doing regular testing work for water, waste water and air pollution monitoring. Help was extended to Walchandnagar Industries Personnel in measuring wind speed and direction at Datta S.S.K. Ltd., Shirol for determining Chimmney swing.
3) Soil Mechanics Laboratory carried out testing of soil samples received from various government and non-government organisations. The laboratory has also carried out bearing capacity testing for Hindustan Petroleum, Miraj and Somaiya Organo Chemicals, Sameerwadi. Shri. S. S. Bapat has taken lead in all these works.
4) Survey Laboratory - Regular instrument repair works were conducted for various and Non-Govt. organisations.
1. Shri. P. B. Patil Secondary Aerobic Treatment of anaercbically digested Distillery Waste Shri. J. M. Ga-dgil.
2. Shri. V. G. Kulkarni Performance Evaluation of Anaerobic Fi-lter technique for spent wash Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao.
3. Shri. R. S. Pai Hazardous Waste Management Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao.
4. Shri. S. S. Salunkhe Effect of spent wash compost application on environment. Dr. S. V. Ranade.
5. Shri. R. R. Munavalli Design of water Distribution System by Dr. S. V. Ranade. Computer Programming for medium sized city.
6. Shri. A. R. Soudi Water Management in Bhogawati River  Basin Dr. S. V. Ranade
7. Smt. A. V. Walujkar Design of Sewerage System by Computer  Programming Dr. S. V. Ranadc.

• Shri. V. D. Salkar and Shri. M. G. Deomane have been promoted as Assistant Professors in Civil Engg. since Dec.1990.
* Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar took over charge as Head of Civil Engg. Department in July 1990.
• Shri. P. G. Sonawane joined the department in January 1991 for a period of 4 months as a lecturer in Civil Engg.
" Prof. D. P. Sakhadeo retired after putting in 27 years of service on 31st August 1990.  We wish him a happy and long life in future.
• Shri. T. K. Talathi retired after putting in 21 years of service on 31st December 1990. We wish him a happy and long life in future.
Two no. of IBM PC's were purchased.

1. Shri. J. M. Gadgil Effluents and Stream Standards -A realistic approach.
Pune University Centre for Environmental Science
2. Dr. S. V. Ranade Water Treatment Shivaji University Centre for Environmental Science M.S.C. (Env.Scie-nce).
3. Shri. J. M. Gadgil Air Pollution - Global Aspects Rotary Club of Miraj.
4. Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao Waste Water Treatment Shivaji University Centre for Environmental Science.
S. Shri. J. M. Gadgil Air Pollution Control Shivaji University Centre for Environmental Science
6. Dr. S. V. Ranade Chemistry of Water and Waste Training Course for Water Analysis Field Officers of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board at Pune.
7. Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao, Dr. S. V. Ranade and Shri. J. M. Gadgil, Environmental Engineering 
Certificate Course organised by Nature Foundation, Sangli.

* Kurundwad and Ichalkaranji Municipal Council have entrusted the job of designing waste water disposal scheme to Environmental Engineering Group of our college.
* M.E. (Civil) Environmental Engineering Vacation Course was conducted in winter vacation for two subjects by Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao and Shri. J. M. Gadgil.
* M. E.(civil) Hydraulic Engineering Vacation Course continued for Disertation by the Students under the guidance of Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar and Prof. D. P. Sakhadeo and Shri. M. K. Shirhatti:
Prof. Dr. S. S. Karandikar Head of the Department