Civil Dept News 1989-90

As usual Civil Engg. Department was engaged in both academic activities and testing and consultancy works.


(a) Dr. S.S. Karandikar and Prof. D.P. Sakhadeo 

Two papers were presented and published in the International Symposium on Education and Training in Water Resources in Developing Countries, held at WALMI, Aurangabad, between 4th and 8th December 1989.
i)Engineering Colleges as Water Management Centres. ii)Engineering Colleges as Personnel Training Centres.

(b) Shri. J.M. Gadgil presented a paper on Distillery Waste treatment in National Seminar on Modernisation of Distillery, Industry organised by Vasantdada Patil Sugar Institute, Pune in January 1990.

(c) Dr. S.V. Ranade presented a paper on "Sugar and Distillery Waste treatment" in a seminar organised by Rotary Club, Aurangabad in January 1990.

(d) Dr. S.V. Ranade presented a paper on "Distillery Waste Treatment" in the symposium held at I.I.T. Bombay in December 1989.

(e) Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao, Dr. S.V. Ranade and Shri. J.M. Gadgil jointly presented papers at one day workshop on "Distillery Waste Treatment Technology" held at Hotel Blue Diamond, Pune in June 1989.

(f) Dr. S.S. Karandikar attended a workshop on"Ground Water Modelling" at the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee between 24th and 28th April, 1989.

(g) Shri. J.M. Gadgil, presented a paper on "Utilization of grant received from Central Government for Environmental Engg. Deptt. for Development of Environmental Quality Resource Centre" in Review Committee Meeting held in August 1989 in New Delhi.

(h) Shri. V.D. Salkar attended Winter School on "Functional Design of Buildings" at I.I.T. Madras in November 1989.

i) Shri. M.G. Deomane, Lecturer in Civil Engg. Deptt. successfully completed his M.Tech. Course under Q.I.P in February 1990.

ii) Shri. M.S. Bansode, Lecturer in Civil Engg. Deptt. successfully completed his M.Tech. Course in February 1990.

iii) Shri. V.D. Salkar, Lecturer in Civil Engg. Deptt. successfully completed his M.E.(Civil) Environmental Engg. Course in January 1990.

iv) H.O.D. (Civil) Poly. Wing Shri. B.M. Kulkarni was incharge of all Building activities and also successfully completed the building work of Drawing Hall above Metallurgy Lab and new class room works in the new building.

[a] Soil Mechanics : Soil Mechanics Lab has completed successfully major consultancy assignments in this year under able guidance of Shri. S.S. Bapat.

[b] Environmental Engg.: As usual Environmental Engg. Lab is engaged in carrying out regular analysis of water and waste water. Air monitoring is also carried out for some sugar factories. The consultancy work in Environmental Engg.field is in progress under Prof. Dr. B. Subba Rao's guidance.

[c]Transportation Lab : This La is carrying our analysis work for road material.

[d] Fluid Mechanics : Ground Water Explorati n works carried out by Dr. S.S.Karandikar.

[e] Surveying Lab : Regular repair wo ks of Survey Instruments, in addition to few jobs of levelling was the main feature of this Lab.

[f] General Civil Engg.
1) Design of M.S.E.B.Administrative building at Jaysingpur. ii) Lift Irrigation Scheme design and report preparation.

M.E. Dissertations guided in Environmental Engg.
1. Shri. A.A.Deshpande, Performance Evaluation & treatment of Distillery by 'Anaerobic Filter',Shri.J.M.Gadgil
2 Shri. D.D. Ukirade "Secondary Aerobic Treatment of Anae-robically Digested Distillery Waste"
Dr.B.Subba Rao
3. Shri. A.S.Nandawadekar "Computer Simulation of Dual Media Filter performance Dr.S.V.Ranade 4. Shri. J.H.Patil Development of Relationship between Dust Deposition Rate for Sugar factory in Rural area. Shri. J.M. Gadgil.
5. Shri. V.T. Gaikwad Comparison of Anarobic Digestion process for Dr.B.Subba Rao Distillery Waste from Batch & biostill process
6. Shri. B.A. Patil Aerobic Composting of Distillery Waste, Dr. S.V.Ranade

1. Environmental Engg : Eight candidates from various colleges have joined for M.E. vacational course in Environmental Engg. in Dec. 1989.

Dr. S.V. Ranade and Shri. J.M. Gadgil engaged classes for them for the first vacation.

2. Hydraulic Engg.: The third vacation of M.E. Vacational course batch was conducted by Dr. S.S.Karandikar, Shri. M.K. Shirahatti and Prof. D.P. Sakhadeo


1) Shri. M.S. Bansode - January 1990 2) Shri. P.G. Sonawane - January 1990


Equipments purchased under Central Govt. Grant Environmental Quality Resource Centre. : i) Diesel Generator. 2) Mobile Laboratory developed in Metadore Van.

1. Dr. S.V. Ranade Man & Environment, Willingdon College Sangli.
2. Shri. J.M. Gadgil, Air Pollution,Teacher's Training camp at Champaben Mahila Mahavidyalaya. Sangli.
3. Dr. S.V. Ranade Water Pollution ---do---
4. Shri.S.S.Bapat Foundation Engg. Tatyasaheb Kore Tech. Institute, Warnanagar.
5. Shri. S.S.Bapat. Design of For Junior Engineers Foundation for & Asst. Engineers of Bridge piers B & C. Miraj.

Maintaining the same tradition, two of our final year diploma students got admission to degree course in our college on the State Merit list of Mahara-shtra.
PROF. DR. B. SUBBA RAO Head of the Deptt.