Civil Dept News 1983-84

A) Dr. B. Subba Rao, participated in. All India. Distillers' Association, New Delhi Seminar on

" Spent Wash Treatment Technology" held in November 1983.
Environmental Engineering Laboratory :

A research Project on " Turbidity Removal Efficiency in high Rate Filters" was successfully

completed by Dr. S. V. Ranade and Prof. J. M. Gadgil. The research project was sponsored by

Seth Gulabchand Research Foundation. The present studies will be applied in design of water

treatment plant at Walchandnagar Industries Ltd. Walchandnagar.

1) Dr. S. S. Santpur, Dr. S. S. Karandikar, Prof S. V. Ramchandre conducted short course on

on behalf of Administrative Staff College, Bombay in tember, 1983.

2) Prof R. D. Kulkarni attended iter School on ' Reliability Engineering' anised by IIT Bombay and sponsored by E from 1st December to 14th December

The final year students have carried out studies on water budgetting & in plant control of

three sugar factories in our area.

The laboratory has been recognised as Standard Laboratory by Maharashtra Pollution Control

Board, and regular testing of water and wastewater samples is carried out for nearby industries

and local bodies.

3) Dr. S. V. Ranade delivered lectures on Environmental Pollution at f Rotary Club,

Miraj, National ial Service Camp at Bhose, and Natures Club, Sangli.

Survey Laboratory :

Prof L. G. Gole published the Second Edition of his book " Civil Engineering for First Year

Degree Students.'

Soil Mechanics Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped to carry-out complete testing of soil sample and to undertake

foundation investigation problems. Final year students have carried out investigation studies

Land Slide Problem at Ratnagiri.
Personnel News
) Shri U. V. Ranade and Shri V. D. Salkar joined this year as Lecturers.
2) Shri S. V. Bhate, Shri M. V. Kulkarni and Shri Tikekar were invited as Guest Lecturers,

during this year.
3) Prof M. V. Jogiekar is selected as Principal at New Engineering College at Sakharale, and

resumed duties in first Term.
4) Prof M. D. Patwardhan retired from the college after successful tenure of his service.
—Prof. Dr. B. Subbarao