Civil Dept News 1976-77
1) Staff Training
a. Dr. B. Subba Rao has been awarded the Doctorate Degree on the Successful Completion of his Thesis by the Shivaji University.
b. Prof. S. V. Ranade who was studying for his doctorate at 1. 1. T., Kanpur, has since completed his Training and has submitted his Thesis on the Engineering and Theoretical Investigation on Dual Media Filters using Indian Bitumenous Coals " to the Institute.
2) Papers published and seminars attended and lectures delivered
I. Dr. Subba Rao has given a talk to Aurangabad Polytechnic students under Q. I. P. programme.
2. Prof. S. V. Ranade has given a talk to Ratnagiri Polytechnic students under Q I. P. programme.
3. Dr. Subba Rao has presented papers on the role of consultants at symposiums held by Rotary Club of Pune & Institu-tion of Engineers ( India ), Hyderabad
3) Consulting Activities
I. Lift Irrigation Schemes
a) The activities of planning and design of Lift Irrigation Schemes continued, the tenders for those Schemes were invited and suitable advice was given at the time of finalising tender for some elements of the Schemes
b) In response to the request received from the Brihan Maharashtra Sugar Syndicate. Factory at Shrecpur and others, pressure testing of the rising mains was carried out for tripping surges and remedial measure to reduce these pressures were sugge-sted.
II. Quality Control Measures in the Production of R.C.C. Spun Pipes After the shoat course for the Spun pipe Manufacturers arranged at this College under the auspicious of the Spun pipe Manufacturers Association of Mahara-shtra State (SSI), a number of requests are received for visit of our staff mem-ber to the factories to study their pro-blems during manufacture of pipes and to suggest remedies for improvement in the quality of the pipes. These are being attended to by Prof. S. S. Santpur, D P. Sakhadeo and P. S. Waikar.
III. Activities of the Public Health Department
Development of the Anerohic Lagoon Method spent wash treatment is being persued further. Design and Supervi-sion of Ichalkaranji Sullage Utilization Scheme is taken by the Department.
Two full scale treatment plants are set up to treat Textile Industrial Efflue-nts and The performance of the plants is under investigation.
Design of Aerated Lagoons for hand processing Textile Mills at Ichalkaranji is being worked out.
4) Laboratory Testing Activities
a The Public Health Laboratory carried out various types of Tests to the tune of Rs 15,000-
b. Soil testing laboratory has carried out tests on Soil Samples. The testing cha-rges were of the order of Rs. 65.000- durring the year. c. Survey Laboratory is giving the Services for repairs and adjustments to the sur-vey instruments of the Govt. and other private organizations in this area.
5) Miscellaneous Courses arranged :
a. Following Courses were arranged at the request of Administrative Staff College of Maharashtra State Bombay.
Two such courses were arranged in the College premises and for one course which was run at Bombay our staff members were invited to deliver talks. These courses covered the topics on :
I. Cost Benefit Analysis and 2. Pert and CPM Techniques on works Managements.
b. A short Term Course of 4 days was arranged for Training of the Supervisers from Vraious Spun Pipe Manufactuting Units from the entire Maharashtra State under the auspicious of the Spun Pipe Manufacturing Association of the Maharashtra State.
6. Invitation to the Staff Members to work on the verious bodies :
a. Dr. a Subba Rao has been invited by the " Fermantation Panel " of the Go-vernment of India, Ministry of Educati-on to suggest the various methods for the treatment and disposal of spent wash.
b Prof. M. A. Brahmanalkar was appointed as a member of the Buildings and Works Committee of Shivaji University.
c. Prof. M. A. Brahmanalkar was invited to by U. G. C. to act on the editorial committee to assess and review the manuscript of the Test Book on "Water Power Engineering" written by Prof. M.M. Dandekar, Jaipur Regional Engi-neering College.
7. Models
a. For the exhibition during the Annual Social Gathering, the students are pre-pared following models : I. Duel Ragid Sand Filter 2. Incinarator for disposal of refuge. 3. Sand Tank Model for seepage flow analysis.
b Miniature non working models of cons traction machinary about 6 in number were prepared by using the services of a past students of this College.