Civil Dept News 1971-72

1 ) Following activities are going on in the fields of Hydrology, Soil Mechanics and Hydraulics.
Hydrology :

Study of the water resources of the Bhogavati Basin with a view to broadly determine the extent of regeneration, is under progress. Data have been collected and are being analysed.

Soil Mechanics :
i ) Due to the testing work carried out for the Irrigation and Power Department of Maharashtra State, a large number of test results of the typical soils of Maharashtra State are available. The effect of oversize-material on consolidation, compaction and CBR results are being studied with the help of the analysis of the available data.
ii) Effect of Earth Quake on earthen dams in Maharashtra State is being studied by collecting the information from the respective agencies. This project is financed by the University Grants Commission and Prof. M. V. Joglekar is working on it.

Hydraulics :
i ) Effectiveness of partial cutoffs in con–trolling the under seepage below the earth dams is being studied by Prof. S. S. Karandikar with the help of an Ele–ctrical Analogy tray as a dissertation work in partial fulfillment of his M. E. Degree.
ii) Estimation of scour around the bridge piers is proposed to be taken shortly including prototype observations on existing bridges with co-operation of the concerned department of Maharashtra State.
iii) Adoption of Parshall flume for velocity control in the gritchamber is under study of Prof. S. K. Shirhatti as a dis–sertation work for M. E. Degree.

2 ) The following research papers have been published by Pof. B. Subba Rao, in " Environmental Health ", CPHERI Journal —
1 ) Treatment of Distillary Wastes by Anaerobic Lagoons, Part I and II.
2 ) Anaerobic Activated Sludge Process.